Separate and attach UVs

Maya LT provides several features for separating, merging, and attaching UVs in the UV Editor. These are important for a number of operations:
To... Do this Example

Separate a UV shell along the selected edges.

  1. Select the edges to separate.
  2. Select Modify > Cut, or in the UV Toolkit select Cut & Sew > Cut (shortcut: Shift + X).

Separate UV edges interactively

To separate UV edges in the UV Editor

  1. Select Tools > Cut, or in the UV Toolkit select Cut & Sew > Cut Tool

  2. Drag along edges to separate them.

To separate UV edges in the Viewport

  1. Select UV > 3D Cut and Sew UV Tool.
  2. Drag along edges to separate them.

    For more information (including a list of shortcuts), see 3D Cut and Sew Tool.

Let Maya separate edges (or select edges for seams) for you

  1. Select a UV shell.
  2. In the UV Editor's UV Toolkit, select Cut/Sew > Auto-Seams.

    Depending on the current Auto-Seams options, seams will either be cut into the mesh or selected without being cut.

Attach UV shells along the selected edges.

  1. Select edges to be attached.
  2. Select Modify > Sew , or in the UV Toolkit select Cut/Sew > Sew (Shortcut: Shift + S).

Attach UV edges interactively

To sew UV edges in the UV Editor

  1. Select Tools > Sew , or in the UV Toolkit select Cut/Sew > Sew Tool

  2. Drag along edges to attach them.

To sew UV edges in the Viewport

  1. Select UV > 3D Cut and Sew UV Tool.
  2. Shift + drag along edges to attach them.

    For more information (including a list of shortcuts), see 3D Cut and Sew Tool.

Attach UV shells along the selected edges and move the shells together.

  1. Select edges to be attached.
  2. Select Cut/Sew > Stitch Together > in the UV Toolkit.

Merge the selected UVs.

  1. Select UVs to be merged.
  2. Select Modify > Merge .

Merge UVs only merges the UVs that share the same vertex. You can specify an option for the maximum distance Maya will move UVs to merge them.

Automatically attach and move small shells.

  1. Select all the shells.
  2. Select Modify > Move and Sew > .
  3. (Optional) Turn on Limit Shell Size and set the maximum size (in number of faces) for UV shells. Shells larger than this number will not move.
  4. Click Apply.

After performing a Move and Sew operation, you can select the node (polyMapSewMove) and edit it in the Attribute Editor or Channel Box to adjust the Number Faces.
