Keyframe the weight of animation layers

The Weight of each animation layer determines how much of its animation plays in the result animation in your scene.

Keyframing the Weight value of animation layers lets you blend the effect of the layer in and out, animating how much the layer influences the result animation in your scene at any given time.

You can set the weight of animation layers using the weight keying buttons ( and ) or the Weight controls in the Animation Layer Editor, or by selecting the Layer node and editing the value in the Channel Box.

To keyframe the weight of animation layers

  1. Select the animation layer whose weight you want to animate.
  2. Do one of the following to set the weight value:
    • Adjust the Weight value in the Animation Layer Editor.
    • Select the animation layer node and set the Weight attribute.
  3. Do one of the following to set a keyframe on the Weight value:
    • Click the K button next to the Weight slider in the Animation Layer Editor.
    • Select the Weight channel, then select Channels > Key Selected in the Channel Box.

    You can also quickly set and key the layer Weight value to 1 or 0 using the Animation Layer Editor buttons.

You can use the Time Slider, Graph Editor or Dope Sheet to view and edit the keyframes you set on the Weight value of animation layers. See View layer weight animation.

Note: The Weight value of parent layers affects child layers. For child layers, the final Weight value is determined by multiplying the child’s weight by its parent’s weight value.