Tile a file texture using the Make_It_Tile substance

To tile a file texture using the Make_It_Tile substance

  1. In the Hypershade window, select Maya > 2D Textures > Substance.
  2. In the Attribute Editor, select the Substance node tab, then navigate to set the Substance file attribute to the Make_It_Tile.sbsar file.

    (Navigate to your <Maya Directory>\plug-ins\substance\substances folder, or the folder in which your substance texture is installed, and select the Make_It_Tile.sbsar substance.)

  3. Under the Substance Parameters section, click the map button beside the Source attribute and select 2D Textures > File from the Create Shading Node window.
  4. In the file node tab (still in the Attribute Editor), navigate to your file texture.
  5. In the substance node tab, click Create shader network.
  6. Assign the substance_Material node to your object.
  7. In the substance node Attribute Editor, increase the Image Tiling attribute to tile your file texture.
  8. Tweak the substance node settings to optimize your results.

    For example, increase the Absolute width to 2048 for better resolution. Tweak Random Seed and Mask Warping to warp the edges of the texture. Tweak Mask Size to change the blending of the edges and Mask Blurring to adjust the softness of the edges.