Animation playback control keys in FCheck

Use the following keys to control animation playback in FCheck.


Mac OS X


comma comma Plays animation backwards continuously.
period period Plays animation forwards continuously.
space space Pauses the animation. Press again to resume.
Shift + ,   Sets current frame the starting frame in the animation.
Shift + .   Sets current frame the ending frame in the animation.
Alt + ,   Plays animation backwards once.
Alt + .   Plays animation forward once.
- - Slows down the playback speed of animation.
+ + Speeds up the playback speed of animation

right arrow

right arrow

Proceeds to the next frame after animation is paused.

left arrow

left arrow

Recedes to the previous frame after animation is paused.
Ctrl + right arrow   Proceeds to the last frame in the animation.
Ctrl + left arrow   Returns to the first frame in the animation.
s   Cycles through animation forwards and backwards continuously. (Swinging)
t   Plays animation in real time, skipping images if necessary.