Turtle attributes on material nodes

To view the following attributes in the Attribute Editor, select a object and expand the Turtle section in its material node.


Select TURTLE > Add Reflection Attributes and/or TURTLE > Add Refraction Attributes to add the following attributes to the Attribute Editor window.

Glossy Reflection/Refraction simulates non perfect (blurry) reflections and refractions.

Glossy Reflections/Refractions
Enables Glossy Reflections for the material.
Maximum Rays/Refr. Rays

The maximum number of reflection rays to trace for an intersections point. A higher value gives less noise in the resulting image.

Sharpness/Refr. Blur Angle

Determines the sharpness of the reflections. A low Sharpness value gives blurrier reflections. A higher Refr. Blur Angle value gives blurrier refractions.

Antistropic/Refr. Antisotropic
Makes the glossy effects anisotropic, spreading out the reflected or refracted image non-uniformly.
Angle/Refr. Angle

Specifies the rotation of anisotropic reflections/refractions. This setting uses 360 degrees for a 180 degrees rotation to make the settings compatible with the angle settings for the anisotropic shader.

Spread X/Refr. Blur X Angle
How much the reflections/refractions spread out in the tangent direction.
Spread Y/Refr. Blur Y Angle
How much the reflections/refractions spread out perpendicular to the tangent.

The tangents of the surface defines the direction in which the surface will look brushed when using anisotropic glossy reflections. Having a large value for Spread X will spread out the reflections/refractions along the tangents and a large value of Spread Y will spread it out perpendicular to the tangents. If they are the same, the material won’t look anisotropic at all. The spread parameters are affected by the sharpness value. This means that it’s often a good idea to increase the sharpness vs. decrease the blur angle when turning on anisotropic reflections/refractions since it affects both Spread X and Spread Y.

Global Illumination

Select TURTLE > Add Material GI Attributes to add the following attributes to the Attribute Editor window.

Note: You can adjust the global controls for some of the following attributes in the Texture Baking Settings window (Windows > Material/Texture Baking Editors > Texture Baking Settings > Global Illumination tab > Color Balance).
Primary Intensity

Scales the intensity of the first GI bounce for this material.

Primary Saturation

Scales the saturation of the first GI bounce for this material.

Secondary Intensity

Scales the intensity of secondary GI bounces for this material.

Secondary Saturation

Scales the saturation of secondary GI bounces for this material.

Diffuse Boost

If your material has very dark colors/textures, light will fall off very quickly in the Global Illumination. Increasing Diffuse Boost pushes up the dark diffuse values to make light spread further. This only affects how the material is seen by the Global Illumination system, direct lighting is not affected.

Specular Scale

Scales the specular effects in the indirect light. This only affects how the material is seen by the Global Illumination system, direct lighting is not affected.

Emissive Scale

Scales the emissive contribution (Incandescence) of the material. This only affects how the material is seen by the Global Illumination system, direct lighting is not affected.