Set a live surface

When an object is live, other objects and tools automatically snap to its surface.
Tip: When Make Live is used with the Quad Draw tool, you can create new topology that is snapped to a live surface. See Retopologize a mesh with Quad Draw.

To set a live surface

  1. Select an object in your scene.
    Note: The live surface can be a polygon mesh, NURBS surface, or construction plane. Make Live also supports hidden surfaces.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click the object, and then select Make Live from the pop-up menu.
    • Select the Make Live icon in the Status Line.
    • Select Modify > Make Live.

    The selected object becomes a live surface and its name displays beside the Make Live icon in the Status Line. A live surface's wireframe color is dark green, but it only displays when Wireframe or Wireframe on Shaded mode is enabled.

To swap a live surface

  1. Click the drop-down button next to the Make Live icon () and select a previous live surface from the pop-up menu.

To quickly toggle the most recent live surface on and off

  1. Middle-click the Make Live icon () or pop-up menu.

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