Active Slice File

In the tabsheet, information can be viewed on the selected slice file. It contains the name of the current slice, the size of the whole part, its area, contour length and hatches length. Min. Z and Max. Z give you the exact position along the axis.

The scroll bar on the left regulates the display of layers from top to bottom. You can also look at the toolpath of a certain slice. To do so check the Animate Toolpath box and scroll to the slice. The animation will then be visible on the screen. If a slice animation is started, the Slice Commander automatically browses through the slices at a chosen speed (Layers per Second).

The global information specifies the current layer and overall layer count of all slice files in the Slice Commander (unlike the active slice file, where only the specifications for one file is given). Different files can share layers, if they have common Z-coordinates.

If the box Preview Calculations at the bottom of the tabsheet is ticked, the result of conducted operations with slices is shown. However, this can require much calculation time when you scroll through the slices.