To define and use a custom clash test
- Export Clash Tests to an XML file. The name of the file is used as the default name for the custom test.
- If you want, change the name of the custom test by editing the XML file directly. The top level element in the XML file is called “batchtest”. The name of the custom test as displayed to the user is defined by the “name” attribute. The name of the custom test as saved in a file is defined by the “internal name” attribute.
- To install the custom test, copy the exported XML file to the
folder of one of the Autodesk Navisworks search directories, for example: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk Navisworks 2017\custom_clash_tests. See Search Directories for more information.
- Restart Autodesk Navisworks. On start up, Clash Detective checks these search directories for custom clash tests.
- To use the custom test, open the Clash Detective window, and click the Select tab.
- Select your custom test from the Type drop-down box.
- Click the Start button. All other options and rules are specified by the custom test.