Reference for Object Enablers

How do I know if I need to use an Object Enabler with Autodesk Navisworks 2017?

When a DWG file is opened in Autodesk Navisworks 2017, and the objects are displayed as wireframe geometry, it usually means that an Object Enabler is missing.

Additionally, the Scene Statistics dialog box reports any missing or failed to load OEs.

Where do I obtain Object Enablers from?

The recommended way to obtain OEs is to request them from the persons authoring the DWG file. This ensures that the correct version of OE is used.

Tip: You can also download many OEs from the vendor websites for the authoring applications. For example, you can download Autodesk OEs from

What do I do when Object Enablers are not reported as missing but I can only see wireframe geometry?

  1. Click the application button Options.
  2. In the Options Editor, expand the File Readers node, and click DWG/DXF.
  3. Select Shaded from the Render Type drop-down list.
  4. Ensure the Use ADT Standard Configuration check box is selected.
  5. Click OK to save the changes and close the dialog box.
  6. Click New on the Quick Access toolbar, and then open the DWG file again.