Specifies formatting for sloped lines, including falls, 2D offsets, and 3D offsets.
Displays a list of available iso styles.
Specifies a fall type. The options include Angle, Ratio, Percentage, Gradient, Imperial Incline, Metric Incline, Suppress Falling Line Indication.
Specifies the angle above which is considered offset piping.
Sets the percentage of the triangle to hatch. You can select a percentage from the drop-down list or enter the percentage you want.
Displays angle annotation on the skew triangle.
Specifies how simple (2D) offsets display in the isometric drawing.
Specifies how horizontal (2D) offsets on sloped piping display.
Sets the type of visual indicator displayed in a drawing when 3D skews are present. Options are 3D Box and Two Skew Triangles.
Specifies how rolling offsets (3D) display.