Annotation Symbol

Annotation Symbol

An annotation symbol is a symbol applied to a family to uniquely identify that family in a project.

Figure 76: Annotation Symbol with two leaders

Create and Delete

Annotation symbols can be created using the following overload of the Creation.Document.NewFamilyInstance() method:

Code Region 16-6: Create a new Annotation Symbol

public FamilyInstance NewFamilyInstance Method (XYZ origin, FamilySymbol symbol, View specView)

The annotation symbol can be deleted using the Document.Delete() method.

Add and Remove Leader

Add and remove leaders using the addLeader() and removeLeader() methods.

Code Region 16-7: Using addLeader() and removeLeader()

public void AddAndRemoveLeaders(AnnotationSymbol symbol)
    // check if there are any leaders currently attached, and remove them
    IList<Leader> leaders = symbol.GetLeaders();

    if (leaders != null && leaders.Count > 0)
        for (int i = leaders.Count; i > 0; i--)
    // add one new leader instead