This document is part of the Revit SDK. It provides an introduction to implementing Revit add-in applications using the Revit Platform API.
Before creating a Revit Platform API add-in application read through the manual and try the sample code. If you already have some experience with the Revit Platform API, you may just want to review the Notes and Troubleshooting sections.
The first two chapters present an introduction to the Revit Platform API and provide an overview of the User Manual.
Welcome to the Revit Platform API - Presents an introduction to the Revit Platform API and necessary prerequisite knowledge before you create your first add-in.
Getting Started - Step-by-step instructions for creating your first Hello World add-in application using Visual Studio 2010 and four other walkthroughs covering primary add-in functions.
These chapters cover the Revit Platform API basic mechanisms and functionality.
Add-in Integration - Discusses how an add-in is integrated into the Revit UI and invoked by user commands or specific Revit events such as program startup.
Application and Document - Application and Document classes respectively represent the Revit application and project file in the Revit Platform API. This chapter explains basic concepts and links to pertinent chapters and sections.
Elements Essentials - The bulk of the data in a Revit project is in a collection of Elements. This chapter discusses the essential Element mechanism, classification, and features.
Filtering - Filtering is used to get a set of elements from the document.
Selection - Working with the set of selected elements in a document
Parameterss - Most Element information is stored as Parameters. This chapter discusses Parameter functionality.
Collections - Utility collection types such as Array, Map, Set collections, and related Iterators.
Elements are introduced based on element classification. Make sure that you read the Elements Essentials and Parameter chapters before reading about the individual elements.
Editing Elements - Learn how to move, rotate, delete, mirror, group, and array elements.
Wall, Floors, Roofs and Openings - Discusses Elements, their corresponding ElementTypes representing built-in place construction, and different types of Openings in the API.
Family Instances - Learn about the relationship between family and family instance, family and family instance features, and how to load or create them.
Family Creation - Learn about creation and modification of Revit Family documents.
Conceptual Design - Discusses how to create complex geometry and forms in a Revit Conceptual Mass document.
Datum and Information Elements - Learn how to set up grids, add levels, use design options, and more.
Annotation Elements - Discusses document annotation including adding dimensions, detail curves, tags, and annotation symbols.
Sketching - Sketch functions include 2D and 3D sketch classes such as SketchPlane, ModelCurve, GenericForm, and more.
Views - Learn about the different ways to view models and components and how to manipulate the view in the API.
Material - Material data is an Element that identifies the physical materials used in the project as well as texture, color, and more.
Geometry - Discusses graphics-related types in the API used to describe the graphical representation of the model including the three classes that describe and store the geometry information.
Place and Locations - Defines the project location including city, country, latitude, and longitude.
Shared Parameters - Shared parameters are external text files containing parameter specifications. This chapter introduces how to access to shared parameters through the Revit Platform API.
Transaction - Introduces the two uses for Transaction and the limits that you must consider when using Transaction.
Events - Discusses how to take advantage of Revit Events.
Dynamic Model Update - Learn how to use updaters to modify the model in reaction to changes in the document.
Failure Posting and Handling - Learn how to post failures and interact with Revit's failure handling mechanism.
Analysis Visualization - How to display analysis results in a Revit project.
Revit includes discipline-specific features for architecture, structural engineering, and MEP engineering. Some APIs only work for specific feature sets.
Architecture - Discusses the APIs specific to the architectural features of Revit.
Structural Engineering - Discusses the APIs specific to the structural engineering features of Revit.
MEP Engineering - Discusses the APIs specific to the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing features of Revit.
Glossary - Definitions of terms used in this document.
Appendices - Additional information such as Frequently Asked Questions, Using Visual Basic.Net for programming, and more.