Script_Test の統合の例



パーティクル フロー クイック ナビゲーション


次の例では、Script_Test アクション内のインテグレータ インタフェースの使用方法を紹介します。


Script_Test : ヘルパー アクション内部で使用する必要があります。


インテグレータを使用する必要があるかどうかを確認できます。インテグレータ パーティクルがないと、パーティクルはゼロ Z プレーン周辺で停止します。インテグレータを使用すると、パーティクルをプレーン レベルで正確に停止できるので、後でパーティクル位置を変更する必要がありません。

次の例のフローでは、パーティクルが発生し、加速されます。Script_Test テストはパーティクルの位置をチェックし、問題がなければ 2 番目のイベントに渡します。ここで、パーティクルは停止します。


--The ChannelsUsed handler defines the channels
--to be made available to the script.
--For the list of all channels, see
--Interface: MaxscriptParticleContainer
--The parameter pCont passed to the handler
--contains the Particle Container the script is applied to
on ChannelsUsed pCont do
pCont.useTime = true --enable the Time channel
pCont.usePosition = true --enable the Position channel
pCont.useSpeed = true --enable the Speed channel
--The Init handler is called on initialization.
--It is not used in this case.
on Init pCont do
on Proceed pCont do
--Get the End Time
end = pCont.GetTimeEnd() as float
--Get the interface to the Integrator
_int = pCont.GetIntegrator()
--Get the current particle count
count = pCont.NumParticles()
--Get the particle container
pCont_curr = pCont.GetParticleContainer()
--Initialize Arrays
timeToStopInt = #()
timeToStopFloat = #()
particlesToStop = #{}
--Initialize a flag to signal when
--there are particles to send to the integrator
hasParticlesToIntegrate = false
--Go through all particles
for i in 1 to count do
--Set the current particle index
pCont.particleIndex = i
--Calculate the remaining time to travel
timeForTravel = end - (pCont.particleTimeasfloat)
-- format "time to travel % = %\n" i timeforTravel
--Get the current position and speed of the particle
curPos = pCont.particlePosition
curSpeed = pCont.particleSpeed
--Calculate the time to the XY plane. Because of the minus sign,
--when the Z coordinate is negative, the time will be positive
timeToPlane = -curPos.z / curSpeed.z
-- format "time to plane % = %\n" i timeToPlane
--Initialize a flag
stopThisParticle = 0
--Get the particle time in frames
curParticleTime = pCont.particleTime as time
--If the time to plane is positive or zero and shorter
--than the time to travel, then the particle has passed
--the plane already and has to be stopped!
if((timeToPlane >= 0.0)and(timeToPlane <= timeForTravel))do
--Set the Test status to true
pCont.particleTestStatus = true
--Set the precise particle time
pCont.setParticleTestTimePrecise i pCont.particleTime timeToPlane
--Append the particle index to the BitArray of particles
--to be stopped
append particlesToStop i
--Raise the flag to signal there is work for the integrator
hasParticlesToIntegrate = true
--Append the particle time frame and fraction to the two arrays 
append timeToStopInt curParticleTime
append timeToStopFloat timeToPlane
--If the flag has been set 
if hasParticlesToIntegrate then
--If the integrator can be accessed, send the particles to stop
--to the Integrator
if _int != undefined then
_int.proceedASync pCont_curr timeToStopInt timeToStopFloat true particlesToStop
-- format "time to stop Int= %\n" timeToStopInt
-- format "time to stop Float= %\n" timeToStopFloat
-- format "part to stop Index= %\n" particlesToStop
--The Release handler is used to do cleanup work.
--Not used in this case.
on Release pCont do
