ノート トラックの操作

ノート キーの time プロパティを変更すると、コントローラ内の他のキーに対する相対的時間配列がずれてしまいます。この種のキー タイム操作がすべて完了したら、アニメーションが正しく実行されるよう、 sortKeys() 関数をコントローラで呼び出すか、または関連付けられている MAXNoteKeyArray を呼び出す必要があります

s = sphere()-- create a sphere
-->$Sphere:Sphere02 @ [0.0,0.0,0.0]
ntp1 = NoteTrack"PosNT1"-- create a note track
ntp2 = NoteTrack"PosNT2"-- create another note track
-- apply first note track to sphere's pos controller:
addNoteTrack s.pos.controller ntp1
-- apply second note track to sphere's pos controller:
addNoteTrack s.pos.controller ntp2
-- check number of note tracks on pos controller:
numNoteTracks s.pos.controller
-- test to see if pos controller has note tracks:
hasNoteTracks s.pos.controller
-- add key to first note track, and select the key:
addNewNoteKey ntp1.keys 20 #select
-->#Note key(1 @ 20f)
-- add another key to first note track:
addNewNoteKey ntp1.keys 40
-->#Note key(2 @ 40f)
-- retrieve first note track on the pos controller:
n = getNoteTrack s.pos.controller 1
-- retrieve an instance of the note track key array Notetrack:
-->#keys(20f, 40f)
-- set value for second note key:
nk[2].value ="Yo What's Up"
-->"Yo What's Up"
-- change the time for second note key. Now first key
nk[2].time = 10
nk[1].selected = true-- select the first note key
-- changed the time of the note keys, so re-sort:
sortNoteKeys nk
nk.count-- check number of keys
nk-- display the note keys
-->#keys(10f, 20f)
--  To delete the note tracks and note keys:
deleteNoteKey nk 1-- delete first note key
deleteNoteKeys n.keys #allKeys-- delete all the note keys
-- remove note track from pos controller:
deleteNoteTrack s.pos.controller ntp1
-- remove note track from pos controller:
deleteNoteTrack s.pos.controller ntp2