이 항목은 상태 세트 기능에서 추적된 모든 장면 특성을 나열합니다. 이 옵션을 사용하면 장면의 측면이 상태 세트에서 기록되고 사용될 수 있는지를 결정할 수 있습니다.
상태 설명 |
추적된 변경 사항
(모든 특성이 상태에 의해 기록되고 영향을 받습니다.) |
템플릿에 저장 여부?
(예인 경우 특성이 템플릿 내에 저장됩니다.) |
수정자 | 설정/해제 | 아니오 |
환경 | BackgroundColor, UseEnvironmentMap, 노출 컨트롤(및 설정), ExposureControlActive, LightTint, LightLevel, AmbientColor | 예 |
환경 맵 | 텍스처 맵 | 아니오 |
애니메이션 | Time, AnimationRange, AnimationPlayback, AnimateEnabled, AnimateOn, RealTimePlayback, | 예 |
대기, 효과, 렌더 요소 | 활성화 설정/해제 | 아니오 |
오브젝트 레이어 | Hidden, Frozen, Renderable, PrimaryVisibility, SecondaryVisibility, XRayMtl, IgnoreExtents, BoxMode, AllEdges, VertTicks, BackCull, CVertMode, ShadeCVerts, CastShadows, RcvShadows, ApplyAtmospherics, InheritVisibility, Trajectory, ShowFrozenWithMtl, RenderOccluded | 아니오 |
장면/오브젝트 노드 | Hidden, Frozen, XrayMaterial, BoxMode, Renderable, DisplayTrajectory, BackCulling, VertexColors, ShadeVertexColors, AllEdges, VertexTicks, FrozenWithMaterials, IgnoreExtents, PrimaryVisibility, SecondaryVisibility, InheritVisibility, RenderOccluded, CastShadows, ReceiveShadows, GenerateCaustics, ReceiveCaustics, ApplyAtmospherics, GenerateGI, ReceiveGI, Material | 아니오 |
라이트 오브젝트 | Use, Shadow On/Off, ShadowType, Intensity, Color | 아니오 |
전역 렌더러 |
TimeType, Start, End, NthFrame, ShowVirtualFrameBuffer, SaveFile, UseDevice, UseNet, Width, Height, ApertureWidth, FieldRender, ColorCheck, SuperBlack, Hidden, Atmosphere, Effects, Displacement, DitherTrue, MultiThread, NthSerial, UseActiveView, UseImgSeq, VidCorrectMethod, ViewIndex, FieldOrder, NTSC_PAL, SuperBlackThresh, FileNumberBase, SkipRenderedFrames, SimplifyAreaLights, SaveFilePath, ScanlineMapping, ScanlineShadows, ScanlineEnableSSE, ScanlineAutoReflect, ScanlineForceWireframe, ScanlineWireThickness, ScanlineAntiAliasing, ScanlineFilterMaps, //ScanlineAntiAliasFilter, ScanlineAntiAliasFilterSize, //ScanlineAntiAliasFilterSizeautoReflectLevels, ScanlineEnablePixelSampler, ScanlineObjectMotionBlur, ScanlineObjectBlurSamples, ScanlineObjectBlurDuration, ScanlineObjectBlurSubdivisions, ScanlineImageMotionBlur, ScanlineImageBlurTrans, ScanlineImageBlurDuration, ScanlineImageBlurEnv, ScanlineColorClampType, ScanlineConserveMemory, MentalRayMinimumSamples, // int MentalRaySoftShadowsPrecision, // float MentalRayGlossyReflectionsPrecision, // float MentalRayGlossyRefractionsPrecision, // float MentalRayMaximumSamples, // int MentalRayFilter, // int MentalRayBoxFilterWidth, MentalRayBoxFilterHeight, MentalRayGaussFilterWidth, MentalRayGaussFilterHeight, MentalRayTriangleFilterWidth, MentalRayTriangleFilterHeight, MentalRayMitchellFilterWidth, MentalRayMitchellFilterHeight, MentalRayLanczosFilterWidth, MentalRayLanczosFilterHeight, MentalRayRedSpatialContrast, MentalRayGreenSpatialContrast, MentalRayBlueSpatialContrast, MentalRayAlphaSpatialContrast, MentalRayLockSamples, MentalRayJitter, MentalRayTaskSize, MentalRayTaskOrder, MentalRayFrameBufferType, MentalRayScanlineEnable, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRayScanlineMethod, // Integer default: 0 -- integer MentalRayRapidCollectRate, // Integer default: 3 -- integer MentalRayRapidShadingSamples, // Float default: 2.0 -- float MentalRayRaytraceEnable, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRayAutovolume, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayRaytraceMethod, // Integer default: 0 -- integer MentalRayBSPSize, // Integer default: 10 -- integer MentalRayBSPDepth, // Integer default: 40 -- integer MentalRayMaximumTraceDepth, // Integer default: 6 -- integer MentalRayMaximumReflections, // Integer default: 4 -- integer MentalRayMaximumRefractions, // Integer default: 6 -- integer MentalRayReflectionsEnable, // Boolean default: true -- boolean MentalRayRefractionsEnable, // Boolean default: true -- boolean MentalRayEnableSubsetPixelRendering, // Boolean default: false -- boolean MentalRayMotionBlurEnable, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayMotionBlurAllObjects, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRayShutter, // Float default: 0.5 -- float MentalRayMotionBlurOffset, // Float default: -0.25 -- float MentalRaySegments, // Integer default: 1 -- integer MentalRayTimeSamples, // Integer default: 5 -- integer MentalRayRapidMotionResample, // Integer default: 1 -- integer MentalRayEnableContours, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayEnableCameraLensShader, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRayEnableCameraOutputShader, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayEnableCameraVolumeShader, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRayDepthOfFieldEnable, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayDepthOfFieldMode, // Integer default: 0 -- integer MentalRayFocusPlane, // Float default: 100.0 -- float MentalRayfStop, // Float default: 1.0 -- float MentalRayNearFocus, // Float default: 90.0 -- float MentalRayFarFocus, // Float default: 110.0 -- float MentalRayEnableShadowMaps, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRayMotionBlurShadowMapsEnable, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRayShadowMapRebuild, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRayUseShadowMapFile, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayShadowMapFilename, // String default: "" -- string MentalRayView, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRaySmooth, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRayEdge_Length, // Float default: 2.0 -- float MentalRayMax_Displace, // Float default: 20.0 -- float MentalRayMax_Level, // Integer default: 6 -- integer MentalRaynumFinalGatherPresets, // Integer default: 6 -- integer MentalRayFinalGatherEnable2, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayFGMultiplierScalar, // Float default:1.0 -- float MentalRayFGMultiplierColor, // color default:(color 255 255 255) -- color MentalRayFGProjectionMode, // Integer default: 0 -- integer 2010 MentalRayFGProjectionModeNumSegments, // Integer default: 9 -- integer 2010 MentalRayFinalGatherDensity, // Float default:1.0 -- float MentalRayFinalGatherAccuracy, // Integer default: 250 -- integer MentalRayFinalGatherInterpolationSamples, // Integer default:27 -- integer MentalRayFinalGatherBounces, // Integer default: 0 -- integer MentalRayFinalGatherBounceMultiplier, // Float default:1.0 -- float MentalRayFinalGatherFilter, // Integer default: 1 -- integer MentalRayFinalGatherPreview, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayFinalGatherTraceDepth, // Integer default: 5 -- integer MentalRayFinalGatherReflectionDepth, // Integer default: 5 -- integer MentalRayFinalGatherRefractionDepth, // Integer default: 5 -- integer MentalRayFinalGatherFalloff, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayFinalGatherFalloffStart, // Float default: 0.0 -- float MentalRayFinalGatherFalloffStop, // Float default: 0.0 -- float MentalRayFinalGatherUseRadiusInterpolation, // BooleanClass default:false -- Boolean MentalRayFinalGatherView, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayUseFinalGatherRadius, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayFinalGatherRadius, // Float default: 1.0 -- float MentalRayFinalGatherMinRadius, // Float default: 0.1 -- float MentalRayFinalGatherRadius_View, // Float default: 5.0 -- float MentalRayFinalGatherMinRadius_View, // Float default: 0.5 -- float MentalRayCausticsEnable, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayCausticMultiplierScalar, // Float default:1.0 -- float MentalRayCausticMultiplierColor, // Color default: (color 255 255 255) -- color MentalRayCausticAccuracy, // Integer default: 100 -- integer MentalRayUseCausticRadius, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayCausticRadius, // Float default: 1.0 -- float MentalRayCausticsFilter, // Integer default: 0 -- integer MentalRayKernel, // Float default: 1.1 -- float MentalRayCausticOpaqueShadows, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRayGlobalIllumEnable, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayGIMultiplierScalar, // Float default: 1.0 -- float MentalRayGIMultiplierColor, // Color default: (color 255 255 255) -- color MentalRayGlobalIllumAccuracy, // Integer default: 500 -- integer MentalRayUseGlobalIllumRadius, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayGlobalIllumRadius, // Float default: 1.0 -- float MentalRayGIPhotonMergeDistance, // Float default:0.0 -- float MentalRayVolumeAccuracy, // Integer default: 100 -- integer MentalRayUseVolumeRadius, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayVolumeRadius, // Float default: 1.0 -- float MentalRayGIMaximumTraceDepth, // Integer default: 5 -- integer MentalRayGIMaximumReflections, // Integer default: 5 -- integer MentalRayGIMaximumRefractions, // Integer default: 5 -- integer MentalRayGlobalLightCausticPhotons, // Integer default: 20000 -- integer MentalRayGlobalLightGIPhotons, // Integer default: 20000 -- integer MentalRayGlobalLightDecay, // Float default: 2.0 -- float MentalRayOverrideIIObjProps, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayIlluminationCacheMode, // Integer default: 0 -- integer 2010 MentalRaySkipFinalRender, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean 2010 MentalRayUseFinalGatherFile, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayFinalGatherFreeze, // BooleanClass default:false -- boolean MentalRayFGInterpolateNFrames, // Integer default: 2 -- integer 2010 MentalRayFinalGatherFilename, // String default: "" -- string MentalRayFinalGatherTempFilename, // String default: "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2010\sceneassets\renderassets\temp.fgm" -- string MentalRayPhotonMapUseFile, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayPhotonFreeze, // BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean 2010 MentalRayFinalGatherOnly, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayPhotonsOnly, // BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean MentalRayPhotonMapFilename, // String default: "" -- string MentalRayUsePlaceholders, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayConserveMemory, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayManagesMaps, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayMemory_Limit, // Integer default: 650 -- integer 2010 and up MentalRayMemoryLimitAuto, // BooleanClass default: true -- integer 2010 and up MentalRayEnableGeometryCache, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayLockGeometryCache, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayEnableMaterial_Override, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayExportOnRender, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayExportASCII, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRayIncrementalEcho, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayExportFilename, // String default: "" -- string MentalRaySkipTextureMaps, // BooleanClass default:false -- boolean MentalRayDiagnosticsEnabled, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayDiagnosticMode, // Integer default: 0 -- integer MentalRayDiagnosticGridMethod, // Integer default: 0 -- integer MentalRayDiagnosticGridSize, // Float default: 1.0 -- float MentalRayDiagnosticPhotonMethod, // Integer default: 0 -- integer MentalRayDiagnosticBSPMethod, // Integer default: 0 -- integer MentalRayDistributedEnable, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayLocalBitmaps, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRaySlavesOnly, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayBarycentricClipLimitMultiplier, // Float default:1.0 -- float RenderElementsActive, DisplayRenderElements, CombustionOutputEnabled |
예 |
프로덕션 렌더러 | 활성 렌더러 | 아니오 |
전역 뷰포트 | ActiveViewport, ViewportLayout | 예 |
뷰포트별 | BackGroundImageDisplay, SafeFrameDisplay, FocalDistance, Position, GridVisible, RenderLevel, ShowEdgeFaces, TransparencyLevel, ViewType | 예 |
뷰포트 카메라 | 활성 뷰포트 카메라 | 아니오 |
스크립팅된 상태 | 사용자 정의 MAXScript 상태 | 예 |