상태 세트에서 추적된 속성

이 항목은 상태 세트 기능에서 추적된 모든 장면 특성을 나열합니다. 이 옵션을 사용하면 장면의 측면이 상태 세트에서 기록되고 사용될 수 있는지를 결정할 수 있습니다.

상태 설명 추적된 변경 사항

(모든 특성이 상태에 의해 기록되고 영향을 받습니다.)

템플릿에 저장 여부?

(예인 경우 특성이 템플릿 내에 저장됩니다.)

수정자 설정/해제 아니오
환경 BackgroundColor, UseEnvironmentMap, 노출 컨트롤(및 설정), ExposureControlActive, LightTint, LightLevel, AmbientColor
환경 맵 텍스처 맵 아니오
애니메이션 Time, AnimationRange, AnimationPlayback, AnimateEnabled, AnimateOn, RealTimePlayback,
 대기, 효과, 렌더 요소 활성화 설정/해제 아니오
오브젝트 레이어 Hidden, Frozen, Renderable, PrimaryVisibility, SecondaryVisibility, XRayMtl, IgnoreExtents, BoxMode, AllEdges, VertTicks, BackCull, CVertMode, ShadeCVerts, CastShadows, RcvShadows, ApplyAtmospherics, InheritVisibility, Trajectory, ShowFrozenWithMtl, RenderOccluded  아니오
장면/오브젝트 노드 Hidden, Frozen, XrayMaterial, BoxMode, Renderable, DisplayTrajectory, BackCulling, VertexColors, ShadeVertexColors, AllEdges, VertexTicks, FrozenWithMaterials, IgnoreExtents, PrimaryVisibility, SecondaryVisibility, InheritVisibility, RenderOccluded, CastShadows, ReceiveShadows, GenerateCaustics, ReceiveCaustics, ApplyAtmospherics, GenerateGI, ReceiveGI, Material 아니오
라이트 오브젝트 Use, Shadow On/Off, ShadowType, Intensity, Color 아니오
전역 렌더러

TimeType, Start, End, NthFrame, ShowVirtualFrameBuffer, SaveFile, UseDevice, UseNet, Width, Height, ApertureWidth, FieldRender, ColorCheck, SuperBlack, Hidden, Atmosphere, Effects, Displacement, DitherTrue, MultiThread, NthSerial, UseActiveView, UseImgSeq,          VidCorrectMethod, ViewIndex, FieldOrder, NTSC_PAL, SuperBlackThresh, FileNumberBase, SkipRenderedFrames, SimplifyAreaLights, SaveFilePath, ScanlineMapping, ScanlineShadows, ScanlineEnableSSE, ScanlineAutoReflect, ScanlineForceWireframe, ScanlineWireThickness, ScanlineAntiAliasing, ScanlineFilterMaps, //ScanlineAntiAliasFilter, ScanlineAntiAliasFilterSize, //ScanlineAntiAliasFilterSizeautoReflectLevels, ScanlineEnablePixelSampler, ScanlineObjectMotionBlur, ScanlineObjectBlurSamples, ScanlineObjectBlurDuration, ScanlineObjectBlurSubdivisions, ScanlineImageMotionBlur, ScanlineImageBlurTrans, ScanlineImageBlurDuration, ScanlineImageBlurEnv, ScanlineColorClampType, ScanlineConserveMemory, MentalRayMinimumSamples, // int MentalRaySoftShadowsPrecision, // float MentalRayGlossyReflectionsPrecision, // float MentalRayGlossyRefractionsPrecision, // float       MentalRayMaximumSamples, // int MentalRayFilter, // int MentalRayBoxFilterWidth, MentalRayBoxFilterHeight, MentalRayGaussFilterWidth, MentalRayGaussFilterHeight, MentalRayTriangleFilterWidth, MentalRayTriangleFilterHeight, MentalRayMitchellFilterWidth, MentalRayMitchellFilterHeight, MentalRayLanczosFilterWidth, MentalRayLanczosFilterHeight, MentalRayRedSpatialContrast, MentalRayGreenSpatialContrast, MentalRayBlueSpatialContrast, MentalRayAlphaSpatialContrast, MentalRayLockSamples, MentalRayJitter, MentalRayTaskSize, MentalRayTaskOrder, MentalRayFrameBufferType, MentalRayScanlineEnable, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRayScanlineMethod, // Integer default: 0 -- integer MentalRayRapidCollectRate, // Integer default: 3 -- integer MentalRayRapidShadingSamples, // Float default: 2.0 -- float MentalRayRaytraceEnable, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRayAutovolume, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayRaytraceMethod, // Integer default: 0 -- integer MentalRayBSPSize, // Integer default: 10 -- integer MentalRayBSPDepth, // Integer default: 40 -- integer MentalRayMaximumTraceDepth, // Integer default: 6 -- integer MentalRayMaximumReflections, // Integer default: 4 -- integer MentalRayMaximumRefractions, // Integer default: 6 -- integer MentalRayReflectionsEnable, // Boolean default: true -- boolean MentalRayRefractionsEnable, // Boolean default: true -- boolean MentalRayEnableSubsetPixelRendering, // Boolean default: false -- boolean MentalRayMotionBlurEnable, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayMotionBlurAllObjects, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRayShutter, // Float default: 0.5 -- float MentalRayMotionBlurOffset, // Float default: -0.25 -- float MentalRaySegments, // Integer default: 1 -- integer MentalRayTimeSamples, // Integer default: 5 -- integer MentalRayRapidMotionResample, // Integer default: 1 -- integer MentalRayEnableContours, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayEnableCameraLensShader, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRayEnableCameraOutputShader, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayEnableCameraVolumeShader, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRayDepthOfFieldEnable, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayDepthOfFieldMode, // Integer default: 0 -- integer MentalRayFocusPlane, // Float default: 100.0 -- float MentalRayfStop, // Float default: 1.0 -- float MentalRayNearFocus, // Float default: 90.0 -- float MentalRayFarFocus, // Float default: 110.0 -- float MentalRayEnableShadowMaps, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRayMotionBlurShadowMapsEnable, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRayShadowMapRebuild, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRayUseShadowMapFile, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayShadowMapFilename, // String default: "" -- string MentalRayView, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRaySmooth, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRayEdge_Length, // Float default: 2.0 -- float MentalRayMax_Displace, // Float default: 20.0 -- float MentalRayMax_Level, // Integer default: 6 -- integer MentalRaynumFinalGatherPresets, // Integer default: 6 -- integer MentalRayFinalGatherEnable2, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayFGMultiplierScalar, // Float default:1.0 -- float MentalRayFGMultiplierColor, // color default:(color 255 255 255) -- color MentalRayFGProjectionMode, // Integer default: 0 -- integer 2010 MentalRayFGProjectionModeNumSegments, // Integer default: 9 -- integer 2010 MentalRayFinalGatherDensity, // Float default:1.0 -- float MentalRayFinalGatherAccuracy, // Integer default: 250 -- integer MentalRayFinalGatherInterpolationSamples, // Integer default:27 -- integer MentalRayFinalGatherBounces, // Integer default: 0 -- integer MentalRayFinalGatherBounceMultiplier, // Float default:1.0 -- float MentalRayFinalGatherFilter, // Integer default: 1 -- integer MentalRayFinalGatherPreview, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean

MentalRayFinalGatherTraceDepth, // Integer default: 5 -- integer MentalRayFinalGatherReflectionDepth, // Integer default: 5 -- integer MentalRayFinalGatherRefractionDepth, // Integer default: 5 -- integer MentalRayFinalGatherFalloff, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayFinalGatherFalloffStart, // Float default: 0.0 -- float MentalRayFinalGatherFalloffStop, // Float default: 0.0 -- float MentalRayFinalGatherUseRadiusInterpolation, // BooleanClass default:false -- Boolean MentalRayFinalGatherView, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayUseFinalGatherRadius, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayFinalGatherRadius, // Float default: 1.0 -- float MentalRayFinalGatherMinRadius, // Float default: 0.1 -- float MentalRayFinalGatherRadius_View, // Float default: 5.0 -- float MentalRayFinalGatherMinRadius_View, // Float default: 0.5 -- float MentalRayCausticsEnable, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayCausticMultiplierScalar, // Float default:1.0 -- float MentalRayCausticMultiplierColor, // Color default: (color 255 255 255) -- color MentalRayCausticAccuracy, // Integer default: 100 -- integer MentalRayUseCausticRadius, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayCausticRadius, // Float default: 1.0 -- float MentalRayCausticsFilter, // Integer default: 0 -- integer MentalRayKernel, // Float default: 1.1 -- float MentalRayCausticOpaqueShadows, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRayGlobalIllumEnable, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayGIMultiplierScalar, // Float default: 1.0 -- float MentalRayGIMultiplierColor, // Color default: (color 255 255 255) -- color MentalRayGlobalIllumAccuracy, // Integer default: 500 -- integer MentalRayUseGlobalIllumRadius, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayGlobalIllumRadius, // Float default: 1.0 -- float MentalRayGIPhotonMergeDistance, // Float default:0.0 -- float MentalRayVolumeAccuracy, // Integer default: 100 -- integer MentalRayUseVolumeRadius, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayVolumeRadius, // Float default: 1.0 -- float MentalRayGIMaximumTraceDepth, // Integer default: 5 -- integer MentalRayGIMaximumReflections, // Integer default: 5 -- integer MentalRayGIMaximumRefractions, // Integer default: 5 -- integer MentalRayGlobalLightCausticPhotons, // Integer default: 20000 -- integer MentalRayGlobalLightGIPhotons, // Integer default: 20000 -- integer MentalRayGlobalLightDecay, // Float default: 2.0 -- float MentalRayOverrideIIObjProps, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayIlluminationCacheMode, // Integer default: 0 -- integer 2010 MentalRaySkipFinalRender, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean 2010 MentalRayUseFinalGatherFile, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayFinalGatherFreeze, // BooleanClass default:false -- boolean MentalRayFGInterpolateNFrames, // Integer default: 2 -- integer 2010 MentalRayFinalGatherFilename, // String default: "" -- string MentalRayFinalGatherTempFilename, // String default: "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2010\sceneassets\renderassets\temp.fgm" -- string MentalRayPhotonMapUseFile, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayPhotonFreeze, // BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean 2010 MentalRayFinalGatherOnly, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayPhotonsOnly, // BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean MentalRayPhotonMapFilename, // String default: "" -- string                   MentalRayUsePlaceholders, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayConserveMemory, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayManagesMaps, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayMemory_Limit, // Integer default: 650 -- integer 2010 and up MentalRayMemoryLimitAuto, // BooleanClass default: true -- integer 2010 and up MentalRayEnableGeometryCache, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayLockGeometryCache, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayEnableMaterial_Override, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayExportOnRender, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayExportASCII, // BooleanClass default: true -- boolean MentalRayIncrementalEcho, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayExportFilename, // String default: "" -- string MentalRaySkipTextureMaps, // BooleanClass default:false -- boolean MentalRayDiagnosticsEnabled, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayDiagnosticMode, // Integer default: 0 -- integer MentalRayDiagnosticGridMethod, // Integer default: 0 -- integer MentalRayDiagnosticGridSize, // Float default: 1.0 -- float MentalRayDiagnosticPhotonMethod, // Integer default: 0 -- integer MentalRayDiagnosticBSPMethod, // Integer default: 0 -- integer MentalRayDistributedEnable, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayLocalBitmaps, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRaySlavesOnly, // BooleanClass default: false -- boolean MentalRayBarycentricClipLimitMultiplier, // Float default:1.0 -- float RenderElementsActive, DisplayRenderElements, CombustionOutputEnabled

프로덕션 렌더러 활성 렌더러 아니오
전역 뷰포트 ActiveViewport, ViewportLayout
뷰포트별 BackGroundImageDisplay, SafeFrameDisplay, FocalDistance, Position, GridVisible, RenderLevel, ShowEdgeFaces, TransparencyLevel, ViewType
뷰포트 카메라 활성 뷰포트 카메라 아니오
스크립팅된 상태 사용자 정의 MAXScript 상태