Defines the area of the drawing to display and controls the visual appearance of the objects in the view and the background assigned to a named view.
The following options are displayed.
Provides options for saving settings with the named view.
Saves the current layer visibility settings with the new named view.
For model and layout views, specifies a UCS to save with the new view.
For model views only, specifies the live section applied when the view is restored.
For model views only, specifies a visual style to save with the view.
Controls the appearance of the background for the named view when a 3D visual style is applied or the view is rendered.
For model views whose visual style is not set to 2D Wireframe, specifies the background type (Solid, Gradient, Image, or Sun & Sky) applied to the selected view. Opens the Background dialog box or the Adjust Sun & Sky Background dialog box.
Specifies whether sun and sky data is saved with the named view. The option is automatically selected when choosing Sun & Sky for the background type. Saving sun and sky data to a named view is optional when using a background type other than Sun & Sky.
Displays the current override type (if one is defined).
Displays the current background (if one is defined).
If the Override Default Background option is selected, displays the Background dialog box so you can change the current background selection.