Controls the settings of 3Dconnexion navigation tools.
Controls the settings for 3Dconnexion navigation tools which are available from the navigation bar. Customize the speed and movements of the 3Dconnexion 3D mouse to manipulate the current view. These settings (except Keep Scene Upright) are in synchronization with the 3Dconnexion Control Panel settings of the 3Dconnexion 3D mouse driver.
The following options are displayed.
Controls the sensitivity of the 3Dconnexion 3D mouse controller cap.
Specifies whether the viewpoint of the model can be turned upside-down while navigating.
Controls pan and zoom navigation. When this option is disabled, you can only rotate the model around the X, Y, and Z axes.
Controls the rotation of the model around the X,Y, and Z axes. When this option is disabled, you can only pan and zoom.
Restores the default settings of the 3Dconnexion Settings dialog box.