Analyzes the current drawing for standards violations.
The following options are displayed.
Provides a description of a nonstandard object in the current drawing.
To fix a problem, select a replacement from the Replace With list, and then click Fix.
Lists possible replacements for the current standards violation. If a recommended fix is available, it is preceded by a check mark. If a recommended fix is not available, no items are highlighted in the Replace With list.
Indicates the properties of the nonstandard object that will be changed if the fix currently selected in the Replace With list is applied.
Fixes the nonstandard object using the item currently selected in the Replace With list.
This button is unavailable if a recommended fix does not exist or if an item is not highlighted in the Replace With list.
Advances to the next nonstandard object in the current drawing without applying a fix.
Flags the current problem as ignored.
If the Show Ignored Problems option is turned off in the CAD Standards Settings dialog box, problems flagged as ignored are not displayed the next time the drawing is checked.
Displays the CAD Standards Settings dialog box, which specifies additional settings for the Check Standards dialog box and the Configure Standards dialog box.
Closes the Check Standards dialog box without applying a fix to the standards violation currently displayed in Problem.