The following group codes apply to spline entities.
Spline group codes |
Group code |
Description |
100 |
Subclass marker (AcDbSpline) |
210 |
Normal vector (omitted if the spline is nonplanar) DXF: X value; APP: 3D vector |
220, 230 |
DXF: Y and Z values of normal vector (optional) |
70 |
Spline flag (bit coded): 1 = Closed spline 2 = Periodic spline 4 = Rational spline 8 = Planar 16 = Linear (planar bit is also set) |
71 |
Degree of the spline curve |
72 |
Number of knots |
73 |
Number of control points |
74 |
Number of fit points (if any) |
42 |
Knot tolerance (default = 0.0000001) |
43 |
Control-point tolerance (default = 0.0000001) |
44 |
Fit tolerance (default = 0.0000000001) |
12 |
Start tangent—may be omitted (in WCS) DXF: X value; APP: 3D point |
22, 32 |
DXF: Y and Z values of start tangent—may be omitted (in WCS) |
13 |
End tangent—may be omitted (in WCS) DXF: X value; APP: 3D point |
23, 33 |
DXF: Y and Z values of end tangent—may be omitted (in WCS) |
40 |
Knot value (one entry per knot) |
41 |
Weight (if not 1); with multiple group pairs, they are present if all are not 1 |
10 |
Control points (in WCS); one entry per control point DXF: X value; APP: 3D point |
20, 30 |
DXF: Y and Z values of control points (in WCS); one entry per control point |
11 |
Fit points (in WCS); one entry per fit point DXF: X value; APP: 3D point |
21, 31 |
DXF: Y and Z values of fit points (in WCS); one entry per fit point |