The following group codes are used by MATERIAL objects.
MATERIAL group codes |
Group code |
Description |
0 |
Object name (MATERIAL) |
5 |
Handle |
102 |
Start of persistent reactors group; always “{ACAD_REACTORS” (The persistent reactors group appears in all dictionaries except the main dictionary.) |
330 |
Soft-pointer ID/handle to owner dictionary. For MATERIAL objects, this is always the ACAD_MATERIAL entry of the named object dictionary. |
102 |
End of persistent reactors group; always “}” |
100 |
Subclass marker (AcDbMaterial) |
1 |
Material name (string) |
2 |
Description (string, default null string) |
70 |
Ambient color method (default = 0): 0 = Use current color 1 = Override current color |
40 |
Ambient color factor (real, default = 1.0; valid range is 0.0 to 1.0) |
90 |
Ambient color value (unsigned 32-bit integer representing an AcCmEntityColor) |
71 |
Diffuse color method (default = 0): 0 = Use current color 1 = Override current color |
41 |
Diffuse color factor (real, default = 1.0; valid range is 0.0 to 1.0) |
91 |
Diffuse color value (unsigned 32-bit integer representing an AcCmEntityColor) |
42 |
Diffuse map blend factor (real, default = 1.0) |
72 |
Diffuse map source (default = 1): 0 = Use current scene 1 = Use image file (specified by file name; null file name specifies no map) |
3 |
Diffuse map file name (string, default = null string) |
73 |
Projection method of diffuse map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Planar 2 = Box 3 = Cylinder 4 = Sphere |
74 |
Tiling method of diffuse map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Tile 2 = Crop 3 = Clamp |
75 |
Auto transform method of diffuse map mapper (bitset, default = 1): 1= No auto transform 2 = Scale mapper to current entity extents; translate mapper to entity origin 4 = Include current block transform in mapper transform |
43 |
Transform matrix of diffuse map mapper (16 reals; row major format; default = identity matrix) |
44 |
Specular gloss factor (real, default = 0.5) |
76 |
Specular color method (default = 0): 0 = Use current color 1 = Override current color |
45 |
Specular color factor (real, default = 1.0; valid range is 0.0 to 1.0) |
92 |
Specular color value (unsigned 32-bit integer representing an AcCmEntityColor) |
46 |
Specular map blend factor (real; default = 1.0) |
77 |
Specular map source (default = 1): 0 = Use current scene 1 = Use image file (specified by file name; null file name specifies no map) |
4 |
Specular map file name (string; default = null string) |
78 |
Projection method of specular map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Planar 2 = Box 3 = Cylinder 4 = Sphere |
79 |
Tiling method of specular map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Tile 2 = Crop 3 = Clamp |
170 |
Auto transform method of specular map mapper (bitset; default = 1): 1 = No auto transform 2 = Scale mapper to current entity extents; translate mapper to entity origin 4 = Include current block transform in mapper transform |
47 |
Transform matrix of specular map mapper (16 reals; row major format; default = identity matrix) |
48 |
Blend factor of reflection map (real, default = 1.0) |
171 |
Reflection map source (default = 1): 0 = Use current scene 1 = Use image file (specified by file name; null file name specifies no map) |
6 |
Reflection map file name (string; default = null string) |
172 |
Projection method of reflection map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Planar 2 = Box 3 = Cylinder 4 = Sphere |
173 |
Tiling method of reflection map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Tile 2 = Crop 3 = Clamp |
174 |
Auto transform method of reflection map mapper (bitset; default = 1): 1 = No auto transform 2 = Scale mapper to current entity extents; translate mapper to entity origin 4 = Include current block transform in mapper transform |
49 |
Transform matrix of reflection map mapper (16 reals; row major format; default = identity matrix) |
140 |
Opacity percent (real; default = 1.0) |
141 |
Blend factor of opacity map (real; default = 1.0) |
175 |
Opacity map source (default = 1): 0 = Use current scene 1 = Use image file (specified by file name; null file name specifies no map) |
7 |
Opacity map file name (string; default = null string) |
176 |
Projection method of opacity map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Planar 2 = Box 3 = Cylinder 4 = Sphere |
177 |
Tiling method of opacity map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Tile 2 = Crop 3 = Clamp |
178 |
Auto transform method of opacity map mapper (bitset; default = 1): 1 = No auto transform 2 = Scale mapper to current entity extents; translate mapper to entity origin 4 = Include current block transform in mapper transform |
142 |
Transform matrix of opacity map mapper (16 reals; row major format; default = identity matrix) |
143 |
Blend factor of bump map (real; default = 1.0) |
179 |
Bump map source (default = 1): 0 = Use current scene 1 = Use image file (specified by file name; null file name specifies no map) |
8 |
Bump map file name (string; default = null string) |
270 |
Projection method of bump map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Planar 2 = Box 3 = Cylinder 4 = Sphere |
271 |
Tiling method of bump map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Tile 2 = Crop 3 = Clamp |
272 |
Auto transform method of bump map mapper (bitset; default = 1): 1 = No auto transform 2 = Scale mapper to current entity extents; translate mapper to entity origin 4 = Include current block transform in mapper transform |
144 |
Transform matrix of bump map mapper (16 reals; row major format; default = identity matrix) |
145 |
Refraction index (real; default = 1.0) |
146 |
Blend factor of refraction map (real; default = 1.0) |
273 |
Refraction map source (default = 1): 0 = Use current scene 1 = Use image file (specified by file name; null file name specifies no map) |
9 |
Refraction map file name (string; default = null string) |
274 |
Projection method of refraction map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Planar 2 = Box 3 = Cylinder 4 = Sphere |
275 |
Tiling method of refraction map mapper (default = 1): 1 = Tile 2 = Crop 3 = Clamp |
276 |
Auto transform method of refraction map mapper (bitset; default = 1): 1 = No auto transform 2 = Scale mapper to current entity extents; translate mapper to entity origin 4 = Include current block transform in mapper transform |
147 |
Transform matrix of refraction map mapper (16 reals; row major format; default = identity matrix) |
460 |
Color Bleed Scale |
461 | Indirect Dump Scale |
462 | Reflectance Scale |
463 |
Transmittance Scale |
290 | Two-sided Material |
464 | Luminance |
270 | Luminance Mode |
271 |
Normal Map Method |
465 | Normal Map Strength |
42 | Normal Map Blend Factor |
72 |
Normal Map Source |
3 | Normal Map Source File Name |
73 | Normal Mapper Projection |
74 | Normal Mapper Tiling |
75 | Normal Mapper Auto Transform |
43 | Normal Mapper Transform |
293 | Materials Anonymous |
272 | Global Illumination Mode |
273 | Final Gather Mode |
300 |
GenProcName |
291 | GenProcValBool |
271 | GenProcValInt |
469 | GenProcValReal |
301 | GenProcValText |
292 | GenProcTableEnd |
62 | GenProcValColorIndex |
420 | GenProcValColorRGB |
430 | GenProcValColorName |
270 | Map UTile |
148 | Translucence |
90 | Self-Illuminaton |
468 | Reflectivity |
93 | Illumination Model |
94 | Channel Flags |