Traverse Editor Settings Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to specify settings for the labels that are inserted on the traverse sides.


Automatically Adjust Scale to Fit Line Length
When set to True, scales labels so that their size is limited to between 25 - 75 percent of the line length.

The text height used for the labels is derived from the AutoCAD system variable CANNOSCALEVALUE (referred to below as AnnotationScale).

  • The default text height is 0.1/AnnotationScale. If the resulting label length is longer than 75% of the line length, then the label length is set to be 75% of the line length.
  • The default angle dimension radius is 0.5/AnnotationScale. If the resulting angle dimension radius is greater than 25% of the line length, then the angle dimension radius is set to be 25% of the line length.


This setting specifies whether decimal entry in the Traverse Editor is treated as decimal DMS (Degrees, Minutes, Seconds) or as decimal degrees.

Note: Numbers entered with spaces between them such as 63 51 25 are always DMS, regardless of the Direction setting.
Decimal DMS
Specifies that decimal entry is decimal DMS. For example, if you enter 63.5125 it is the same as entering 63 51 25, or 63 degrees, 51 minutes, and 25 seconds.
Specifies that decimal entry is decimal degrees.

Point Conflict Resolution

Specifies how point numbers and names are handled if points already exist in the drawing with the same number or name.

Resolution On Point Number or Name Conflict
  • Create a COGO Point: Creates a new point if there is a conflict.
  • Overwrite the COGO Point: Overwrites the existing point if there is a point in the drawing with the same name or number.

Erase Traverse Graphics

Specifies whether to erase existing traverse graphics (polylines and points) in the drawing when you perform various tasks.

On Creating a New Traverse
Erases the existing polylines and points in the drawing when you create a new traverse.
On Opening Another Traverse
Erases the existing polylines and points in the drawing when you open another traverse.
On Loading a Traverse from an Entity
Erases the existing polylines and points in the drawing when you create a traverse by selecting a polyline in the drawing.
On Closing the Traverse Editor
Erases the existing polylines and points in the drawing when you close the Traverse Editor.