FBX C++ API Reference
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#include <fbxsdk.h>
#include "DisplayCommon.h"
void DisplayCache(FbxGeometry* pGeometry)
int lVertexCacheDeformerCount = pGeometry->GetDeformerCount( FbxDeformer::eVertexCache );
for( int i = 0; i < lVertexCacheDeformerCount; ++i )
if( !lDeformer ) continue;
FbxCache* lCache = lDeformer->GetCache();
if( !lCache ) continue;
if (lCache->OpenFileForRead())
DisplayString(" Vertex Cache");
int lChannelIndex = lCache->GetChannelIndex(lDeformer->Channel.Get());
// skip normal channel
if (lChannelIndex < 0)
FbxString lChnlName, lChnlInterp;
FbxTime start, stop, rate;
unsigned int lChnlSampleCount, lDataCount;
lCache->GetChannelName(lChannelIndex, lChnlName);
DisplayString(" Channel Name: ", lChnlName.Buffer());
lCache->GetChannelDataType(lChannelIndex, lChnlType);
switch (lChnlType)
DisplayString(" Channel Type: Unknown Data"); break;
DisplayString(" Channel Type: Double"); break;
DisplayString(" Channel Type: Double Array"); break;
DisplayString(" Channel Type: Double Vector Array"); break;
DisplayString(" Channel Type: Int32 Array"); break;
DisplayString(" Channel Type: Float Array"); break;
DisplayString(" Channel Type: Float Vector Array"); break;
lCache->GetChannelInterpretation(lChannelIndex, lChnlInterp);
DisplayString(" Channel Interpretation: ", lChnlInterp.Buffer());
lCache->GetChannelSamplingType(lChannelIndex, lChnlSampling);
DisplayInt(" Channel Sampling Type: ", lChnlSampling);
lCache->GetAnimationRange(lChannelIndex, start, stop);
lCache->GetChannelSamplingRate(lChannelIndex, rate);
lCache->GetChannelSampleCount(lChannelIndex, lChnlSampleCount);
DisplayInt(" Channel Sample Count: ", lChnlSampleCount);
// Only display cache data if the data type is float vector array
if (lChnlType != FbxCache::eFloatVectorArray)
if (lChnlInterp == "normals")
DisplayString(" Normal Cache Data");
DisplayString(" Points Cache Data");
float* lBuffer = NULL;
unsigned int lBufferSize = 0;
int lFrame = 0;
for (FbxTime t = start; t <= stop; t+=rate)
DisplayInt(" Frame ", lFrame);
lCache->GetChannelPointCount(lChannelIndex, t, lDataCount);
if (lBuffer == NULL)
lBuffer = new float[lDataCount*3];
lBufferSize = lDataCount*3;
else if (lBufferSize < lDataCount*3)
delete [] lBuffer;
lBuffer = new float[lDataCount*3];
lBufferSize = lDataCount*3;
memset(lBuffer, 0, lBufferSize*sizeof(float));
lCache->Read(lChannelIndex, t, lBuffer, lDataCount);
if (lChnlInterp == "normals")
// display normals cache data
// the normal data is per-polygon per-vertex. we can get the polygon vertex index
// from the index array of polygon vertex
FbxMesh* lMesh = (FbxMesh*)pGeometry;
if (lMesh == NULL)
// Only Mesh can have normal cache data
DisplayInt(" Normal Count ", lDataCount);
int pi, j, lPolygonCount = lMesh->GetPolygonCount();
unsigned lNormalIndex = 0;
for (pi = 0; pi < lPolygonCount && lNormalIndex+2 < lDataCount*3; pi++)
DisplayInt(" Polygon ", pi);
DisplayString(" Normals for Each Polygon Vertex: ");
int lPolygonSize = lMesh->GetPolygonSize(pi);
for (j = 0; j < lPolygonSize && lNormalIndex+2 < lDataCount*3; j++)
FbxVector4 normal(lBuffer[lNormalIndex], lBuffer[lNormalIndex+1], lBuffer[lNormalIndex+2]);
Display3DVector(" Normal Cache Data ", normal);
lNormalIndex += 3;
DisplayInt(" Points Count: ", lDataCount);
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < lDataCount*3; j=j+3)
FbxVector4 points(lBuffer[j], lBuffer[j+1], lBuffer[j+2]);
Display3DVector(" Points Cache Data: ", points);
if (lBuffer != NULL)
delete [] lBuffer;
lBuffer = NULL;