FBX C++ API Reference
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#include <fbxsdk.h>
void DisplayMetaDataConnections(FbxObject* pNode);
void DisplayString(const char* pHeader, const char* pValue = "", const char* pSuffix = "");
void DisplayBool(const char* pHeader, bool pValue, const char* pSuffix = "");
void DisplayInt(const char* pHeader, int pValue, const char* pSuffix = "");
void DisplayDouble(const char* pHeader, double pValue, const char* pSuffix = "");
void Display2DVector(const char* pHeader, FbxVector2 pValue, const char* pSuffix = "");
void Display3DVector(const char* pHeader, FbxVector4 pValue, const char* pSuffix = "");
void DisplayColor(const char* pHeader, FbxColor pValue, const char* pSuffix = "");
void Display4DVector(const char* pHeader, FbxVector4 pValue, const char* pSuffix = "");
#endif // #ifndef _DISPLAY_COMMON_H