You can use the Boring tab of the Turning Feature Properties dialog to edit the machining settings of a Boring feature.
Constant DOC — See Depth of cut
Rough engage angle — Enter the angle at which the tool enters the stock for boundary moves. This attribute is available for the rough pass when TNR comp is off. For the Semi-finish and Finish pass, this attribute is available on the Leads tab.
Feed from start — This attribute applies to rough and finish turn and bore operations. If you are using a Start point, then enabling the Feed from start option ensures that the move from the Start point to the beginning of the toolpath is a feed move.
Lead-in angle — Enter the angle at which the tool enters the stock for boundary moves. This attribute is available for the rough pass if TNR comp is on. For the Semi-finish and Finish pass, this attribute is available on the Leads tab.
Lead-out angle — Enter the angle for the lead-out move, measured clockwise away from the part. An angle of 0 exits along the direction of path. An angle of 90 exits perpendicular to the path. This attribute is available when TNR comp is on. For the Semi-finish and Finish pass, this attribute is available on the Leads tab.
Tool change location is the point where the tip of the tool moves before a tool change.
Undercuts — Select from No checking, Adjust to tool geometry, and Remove all undercuts.
Withdraw angle — Enter the angle for the lead-out move, measured clockwise away from the part. This attribute is available when TNR comp is off. For the Semi-finish and Finish pass, this attribute is available on the Leads tab.
Withdraw length — This is the distance along the withdraw angle line in which the tool withdraws before returning for the next step.
Withdraw length