You can use Interactive Feature Recognition to recognize features from curves that are generated from the model. Use this for features that are made up of too many surfaces to conveniently pick.
- Select Features & Manufacturing tab > Features panel > Features.
- In the
New Feature wizard, select a feature type.
You can recognize Pocket, Boss, and Side features with this method.
- Select
Extract with FeatureRECOGNITION and click
- On the
Feature Extraction page, select
Chain feature curves and click
The geometry for the features is projected onto the plane of the UCS.
- Select the geometry in the Graphics window to chain it into curves that represent the feature boundaries. Pockets and Bosses require closed curves.
- Click
- Click
Preview to display a wireframe preview of the features in the Graphics window.
- On the
Location page, pick or enter the
Top and
Bottom to specify the height and location of the feature.
- Complete the wizard to edit the feature, or click
Finish to use the default settings.