Surface-Surface Trimming trims a surface against another surface.
Note: The model must contain two intersecting surfaces.
To use
Surface-Surface Trimming:
- Select Construct tab > Surfaces panel > From N Surface > Surface-Surface Trim to display the
Surface-Surface Trimming dialog.
- Select
Create new surface(s) to create a new surface or
Modify existing surface(s) to trim the selected surface.
- Optionally enter a name in the
Surface name field. This field is available only if
Create new surface(s) is selected.
- Select a surface from the
Trimming Surface list and click the
Add item from list
button, or click the
Pick surface
button and select it in the graphics window. Picking the surface in the graphics window tells
FeatureCAM which side to keep.
- Optionally select
Trim this surface also, then select a side from the
Side kept list.
- Select a surface from the
Trimmed Surface list and click the
Add item from list
button, or click the
Pick surface
button and select it in the graphics window. Picking the surface in the graphics window tells
FeatureCAM which side to keep.
- Repeat step 6 to select more surfaces to trim.
- If you want to change which side of the surface is kept, select a surface from the
Surface list and click
to toggle whether trim is decided by pick location.
The options for
Side kept are:
- Picked side - keeps the portion of the trimmed surfaces where you picked with the mouse.
- Normal - keeps the side of the trimmed surfaces that are on the opposite side as the normal of the trimming surface.
- Reverse - keeps the side of the trimmed surfaces that are on the same side as the normal of the trimming surface.
- Enter a
Tolerance. This determines the accuracy of the trim.
- Click
Preview to display a preview of the surface in the graphics window.
- Click