New Feature - Feed/Speed page (TURN)

This page allows you to review and change the automatically calculated feeds and speeds.

To complete this page:

  1. If you are satisfied with the feed and speed values, click Next.
  2. If you want to change the speed:
    • Select Constant Surface Speed and enter the Surface Speed.
    • Optionally specify the CSS Maximum RPM. This is the maximum revolutions per minute that the machine can generate.
    • Optionally specify the CSS Approach RPM. This is the initial speed for the operation while still off the part.
  3. If you want to enter the speed as a single revolution per minute value:
    • Deselect Constant Surface Speed and enter the Spindle Speed.
  4. If your machine has explicit spindle speed ranges, you may want to set the RPM Range.
  5. If you want to change the feed:
    • If you want to specify the speed as feed per revolution, select IPR and enter the Feed Rate.
    • If you want to specify the speed as feed per minute, deselect IPR and enter the Feed Rate.
  6. Click Next.