FeatureCAM has different
methods of Z level roughing.
- Mills the wrong side of the surfaces.
- Toggle the
Classify slices as
attribute on the
- If the
Classify slices as attributeis set correctly, make sure that the normals of the vertical surfaces are pointing out. Use the
Surface Control tab to reverse the surfaces.
- Slices are coarse.
- Decrease the
attribute on the
- The slices look strange around holes or passages in the walls of the feature.
- Use a cap surface to plug holes (or
untrim the surface), or use a larger diameter tool.
For a generalized boss,
FeatureCAM uses the stock boundary or stock curve as the outer boundary of the boss.
Control Z-level roughing with the
Corner radius %,
Toolpath corner %, and
Trochoidal cut attributes on the
Milling tab of the
Surface Milling Properties dialog.