Pecking applies to Deep Hole, Chip Break, and Tap operations.
FeatureCAM supports four styles of pecking. These styles are listed in the post processor. Three different attributes control the pecking and they are used differently depending on the style of pecking.
FeatureCAM checks the pecking type in the currently loaded post processor to duplicate canned cycles when simulating toolpaths. Set these attributes separately for
Drilling and
Tapping operations:
- First peck — This is the depth of the first peck of a drilling/tapping operation specified as a percentage of tool diameter. If the depth of the hole is less than First peck, the hole is drilled in a single peck.
- Second peck — This is the depth of the second peck of a drilling/tapping operation specified as a percentage of tool diameter. The post handles the conversion.
- Minimum peck — This is the minimum step size for a peck used for value reduction pecking methods or factor reduction pecking methods.