Path_Deform2 - superclass: modifier; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 34:0 - classID: #(2714319044L, 2976936815L)
Value > MAXWrapper > Modifier > Path_Deform2 |
NEW in 3ds Max 2018 Update 2: An improved modifier that replaces the PathDeform WSM. This modifier includes driven
rotation and scale parameters.
<Path_Deform2>.Spline UndefinedClass default: undefined -- node;
The spline node that represents the path.
<Path_Deform2>.percent_along_path Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float; Percent
The point along the path at which the deformed object is placed, as a percent of the overall spline length.
<Path_Deform2>.Uniform BooleanClass default: true -- Boolean
When true, the percent along the path value is calculated based on overall spline length, when false, the distance between knots is used.
<Path_Deform2>.Stretch Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float
The amount to stretch the deformed node, where 1.0 = 100%.
<Path_Deform2>.auto_stretch BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; AutoStretch
If true, a stretch amount is applied that stretches the node the full length of the path.
<Path_Deform2>.auto_amount Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float; AutoAmount
The percent of the calculated auto stretch amount to apply; a value of 1.0 is the full amount.
<Path_Deform2>.UsePivotPont BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; UsePivotPoint
Gets or sets whether to use the pivot point rather than the origin as the point to use for constraining to the path.
<Path_Deform2>.PreserveForm BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean
Gets or sets whether to preserve the original node form. When true, the node is not deformed along the path, but simply has its origin constrained to the path.
<Path_Deform2>.axis Integer default: 2 -- radiobtnIndex
The path deform axis, where:
<Path_Deform2>.Flip BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean
If true, flips the node on the path along the path deform axis.
<Path_Deform2>.UpVector Integer default: 0 -- radiobtnIndex
The up vector method, where:
<Path_Deform2>.LookAtNode UndefinedClass default: undefined -- node
When UpVector is 2, specifies a scene node to Look At.
<Path_Deform2>.UseNormal BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean
Indicates whether to use the spline normal to determine the up direction.
<Path_Deform2>.RotationAxis Integer default: 2 -- radiobtnIndex
The axis of rotation, where:
<Path_Deform2>.rotation Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float
The rotation amount.
<Path_Deform2>.twist Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float
The twist amount - the rotation applied to one end of the node.
<Path_Deform2>.MoveBeforeRotation BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean
Gets or sets whether the offset is applied before rotation.
<Path_Deform2>.x_offset Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float; XOffset <Path_Deform2>.y_offset Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float; YOffset <Path_Deform2>.z_offset Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float; ZOffset
Gets or sets the offset amount in the x, y, and z directions.
<Path_Deform2>.AcrossShapes Integer default: 0 -- radiobtnIndex
The Across Shapes setting, where:
<Path_Deform2>.Loopback BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean
Makes the deformed object loop back to the beginning of the spline.
<Path_Deform2>.AdoptMatID BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean
Gets / sets whether to adopt the underlying spline's Material ID. In the case of multiple splines, the RoundMatID value is used to calculate the material ID.
<Path_Deform2>.RoundMatID Integer default: 0 -- radiobtnIndex
The material ID rounding method, when AdoptMatId is true, where:
<Path_Deform2>.Apply_U BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; ApplyU <Path_Deform2>.Apply_V BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; ApplyV <Path_Deform2>.Apply_W BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; ApplyW
Allows overwritting the texture U, V, and W coordinates based on the percent along the spline of the object's vertex.
<Path_Deform2>.channel Integer default: 1 -- integer
The texture coordinates channel.
<Path_Deform2>.RotationEnable BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean
Gets or sets whether driven rotation is enabled.
<Path_Deform2>.rotationCurve CurveControl default: ReferenceTarget:CurveControl -- maxObject; SubAnim
A curve that defines how driven rotation is applied along the spline. It has one property, .Curve_1, of type MAXCurve.
<Path_Deform2>.DrivingRotScale Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float
Gets or sets a rotation scale factor to apply to the object.
<Path_Deform2>.ScaleEnable BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Gets or sets whether to apply the driven scale value to the object.
<Path_Deform2>.DrivingScaleScale Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float
Gets or sets a size scale factor to apply to the object.
<Path_Deform2>.scaleCurve CurveControl default: ReferenceTarget:CurveControl -- maxObject; SubAnim
A curve that defines how driven scale is applied along the spline. It has one property, .Curve_1, of type MAXCurve.
<Path_Deform2>.AdaptiveUpVector BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; AdaptiveUpVector
Not used.