This Helper Object serves as the root of 3ds Max CAT character rigs.
It stores the common shared information about a character rig including the name of the rig and the CATUnits value.
It also holds the layers system details including the name of each layer and its global weight.
Get/set the name of the CATRig.
Get/set the [CATUnits Ratio] value of the CATRig.
Contains the CAT version number. Read-Only.
Get/set the Color Mode of the CAT Rig.
524288- Animation Layer Colors
Corresponds to the Rig Coloring Mode flyout in the Motion Tab UI.
Get/set the Bone Length Axis mode.
<CATParent>.Node CATParent default: $Object:Character001 @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000] -- node; SubAnim
This is redundant since it returns the same object the property is exposed by, but it can be useful when iterating through the whole character rig since all bone controllers also expose a .node property.
Contains the Root Hub of the rig
Typically this is the Pelvis that connects the legs, spine and tail bones.
Contains the Root Transform Node of the rig.
Contains an array of all Layer controllers used by the rig.
<CATParent>.CATRigNodes Array default: #($Object:Character001 @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000]) -- node by value array;
Contains an array of all Nodes used by the rig.
<CATParent>.CATRigSpace Matrix3 default: (matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [0,0,0]) -- matrix3 by value;
Contains the Rig Space Transformation Matrix.
Contains the number of layers in the rig.
The controller assigned to this property is the LayerRoot controller used to manage all layers on the rig. Thus, this property should be accessed as .Layers.Controller
Get/set the index of the Selected Layer.
Get/set the index of the Solo Layer.
Get/set the Track Display Method.
See Interface: CATParentFPInterface for properties and methods.
See Interface: LayerRootFPInterface for properties and methods.