Interface: MaxRibbon

Interfaces > Core Interfaces > MaxRibbon



Core Interfaces - Quick Navigation

This Core Interface exposes methods to access the appearance of the Ribbon User Interface.


Interface: MaxRibbon 


<void>MaxRibbon.SetRibbonOrientation <enum>orientation 	 

orientation enums: {#Horizontal|#Vertical}   

Sets the Ribbon's orientation to horizontal or vertical.

NOTE:This method is deprecated and has no effect, as of 3ds Max 2013.



GetRibbonOrientation enums: {#Horizontal|#Vertical} 

Returns the Ribbon's orientation.

NOTE:This method is deprecated and has no effect, as of 3ds Max 2013.


 <void>MaxRibbon.ShowRibbon <boolean>show 

When the argument is true, shows the Ribbon.

When the argument is false, hides the Ribbon.



Returns true if the Ribbon is open, false otherwise.


 <void>MaxRibbon.LoadRibbonConfig <&String>configFile 

configFile is In and Out parameter

Loads the Ribbon Configuration from the specified file. The configFile must contain the path.


 <void>MaxRibbon.SaveRibbonConfig <&String>configFile 

configFile is In and Out parameter

Saves the Ribbon Configuration to the specified file. The configFile must contain the path. This command saves the configuration in two files, one named [configFile].ribbon, and the other [configFile].xaml. Only the .xaml version is actually used. The configuration contains any user customization and the ribbon's show/hide state, but not its size, position, or docking state.



Resets the Ribbon to its default show/hide state, and discards any user customization. This function does not reset the ribbon's position, size, or docking state.


 <void>MaxRibbon.SetRibbonDockState <enum>dockState 

dockState enums: {#TopDock|#BottomDock|#LeftDock|#RightDock|#Floating} 

Sets the Ribbon state according to the enum parameter:

#TopDock - docks the Ribbon to the top of the 3ds Max UI, switching to horizontal layout if necessary.

#BottomDock - docks the Ribbon to the bottom of the 3ds Max UI, switching to horizontal layout if necessary.

#LeftDock - docks the Ribbon to the left of the 3ds Max UI, switching to vertical layout if necessary.

#RightDock - docks the Ribbon to the right of the 3ds Max UI, switching to vertical layout if necessary.

#Floating - undocks and floats the Ribbon.



Returns true if the Ribbon is floating, false if it is docked.


MaxRibbon.ShowRibbon true --make sure the Ribbon is visible
--> OK
MaxRibbon.GetRibbonOrientation() --check the orientation
--> #Horizontal
MaxRibbon.SetRibbonOrientation #Vertical --switch to vertical
--> OK
MaxRibbon.GetRibbonOrientation() --make sure it worked
--> #Vertical
MaxRibbon.ShowRibbon false --hide the Ribbon
--> OK
MaxRibbon.IsRibbonOpen() --check if the Ribbon is hidden
--> false
MaxRibbon.ShowRibbon true --unhide the Ribbon
--> OK
MaxRibbon.IsRibbonOpen() --check again, now it is visible
--> true
MaxRibbon.SetRibbonDockState #RightDock --dock to the right side
--> OK
MaxRibbon.SetRibbonOrientation #Horizontal --switch to Horizontal
--> OK
MaxRibbon.SetRibbonDockState #Floating --and float the Ribbon
--> OK
MaxRibbon.IsRibbonFloating() --check if it is Floating
--> true
MaxRibbon.SetRibbonDockState #TopDock --dock the Ribbon to the top
--> OK