Wrong version of the help

If you search for help in Maya and the results don't reflect your software, check the version that appears in your browser's address bar. For example, this link:


displays the help for Maya 2015, which is not helpful if you are using Maya 2018.

This mismatch often occurs when you use a web search engine to look for help results. Because Maya is continually updated, search engines don't always point to the correct version. And sometimes interface elements and features change locations if there has been a redesign. To get the web link to display the version that matches your software, manually edit the version (for example, 2015) in the address bar so that it is the version of software you are using.

Also, when you use a search engine to look for Maya help, you are taken to the Autodesk Knowledge Network page. Click the In-Product View link (below the Autodesk logo) to visit the same page in the Maya User Guide, where the topic is shown within a table of contents on the left. The table of contents is often useful if you need to look for further information related to your search, or if the search results weren't exactly what you needed.

The In-Product view link opens the full version of the help

If there is no match for the page you were looking for, use the Search tab at the left (Magnifying glass icon) and enter your search terms. This field searches the entire Maya help system for the words you entered.

Finding menu items

Maya has numerous menus and it is easy to lose track of where the features are found. Use the Find a Menu Item menu in the Help menu and type in the name or partial name of the tool you want to use. The Find a Menu Item window will return all the locations in the Maya menus that tools with those words appear.
Note: The Find a Menu Item search only applies to menu items.

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