UV Editor marking menus

Right-clicking in the UV Editor opens a marking menu that allows you to select between different component types and gives you quick access to the UV Editor menus.

Shift + Right-click

Shift + right-clicking in the UV Editor opens a marking menu that shows different items depending on the type of components that are selected.

Common Menus

These menu options are shared no matter which component mode is currently active:

Menu Item Effect
Unfold Repositions the selected UVs so that they lay flat in the UV space.
Optimize Evens out the spacing between selected UVs, which can help fix distortions.
Tools Provides quick access to the UV Toolkit's Transform > Tools section.
Pinning Provides quick access to the UV Toolkit's Pinning section.
Selection Constraints Limits the components you can select to those matching a chosen criteria.
Transform Constraints Limits UV movement to sliding along their adjacent edges.
Toggle Shell Borders Determines whether or not to display shell borders in bold.
Texture Borders Display texture borders in bold.
Display Image Displays the texture image in the UV Editor.
Checker Map Displays a checker map pattern used for viewing distortions.
Distortion Shader Displays a color map used for viewing distortions.


When UV texture coordinates are selected, the marking menu shows the following operations:

Menu Item Effect
Snap Gives you access to various snapping options in the UV Toolkit's Align and Snap section.
Normalize Scales the selected UVs to fit within the 0-1 UV space.
Straighten Repositions all selected UVs so they form a straight line in the chosen directions.
Layout Repositions UV shells so they don't overlap and make maximum use of the available UV space.
Align UVs Gives you access to various alignment options in the UV Toolkit's Align and Snap section.
Rotate UVs Pivots selected UVs around the current pivot point denoted by the UV Toolkit's Transform section.
Distribute Evenly spaces the selected UVs.
Flip Flips the positions of the selected UVs in the specified direction.
Map Border Maps the currently selected UV to 0, 0 in UV space, then spreads out all other border UVs relative to that.
Symmetrize Mirrors the current selection across a chosen axis of symmetry.
Unitize Repositions the selected UVs onto the border of the 0-1 UV space.
Auto Seams Automatically identify and select the best edges for seams.
Create UV Shell Creates a new UV Shell from the selected components.
Cut UVs Creates seams along the edges attached to the selected UVs.
Delete UVs Removes the selected UVs.
Merge UVs Merges the selected UVs into a single UV.
Sew UVs Merges the edges attached to the selected UVs.
Measure Pixel Distance Displays the distance between two chosen UVs in pixels.

UV Shells

When UV shells are selected, the marking menu shows the following operations:

Menu Item Effect
Mapping Gives you access to various mapping options in the UV Toolkit's Create section.
Flip Along U / Flip Along V Mirrors the entire shell horizontally / vertically.
Layout Repositions UV shells so they don't overlap and make maximum use of the available UV space.
Align UVs Gives you access to various alignment options in the UV Toolkit's Align and Snap section.
Rotate UVs Pivots selected UVs around the current pivot point denoted by the UV Toolkit's Transform section.
Auto Seams Automatically identify and select the best edges for seams.
Match Grid Attempts to line up the UVs adjacent to the selected faces to the grid.
Match UVs Moves UVs adjacent to the selected faces, within a certain tolerance distance, to the average of their individual positions.
Normalize Scales the selected UVs to fit within the 0-1 UV space.
Straighten Border Repositions all border UVs on the selected shell so they form horizontal/vertical straight lines.
Straighten UVs Repositions all UVs on the selected shell so they form horizontal/vertical straight lines.
Unitize Repositions the selected UVs onto the border of the 0-1 UV space.
Distribute Shells Evenly spaces the selected shells according to the method chosen.
Gather Shells Moves all UV shells to the 0-1 UV space.
Orient Shells Rotates all UV shells so they face the same direction.
Randomize Shells Randomly arranges UV shells within the 0-1 UV space.
Snap and Stack Shells Moves multiple UV shells on top of one another by overlapping the selected UVs on each.
Stack and Orient Shells Stacks selected UV shells on top of each other and rotates them so they face the same direction.
Stack Similar Shells Stacks only shells that are topologically similar on top of each other.
Unstack Shells Moves all selected UV shells so they no longer overlap while keeping them close together.


When a polygon edge is selected, the marking menu shows the following operations:
Menu Item Effect
Move and Sew UVs Merges the selected UV edges while simultaneously moving the affected shells so they do not become distorted.
Orient Shell to Edges Rotates the UV shell to line up with the most selected edges.
Straighten Shell Attempts to untangle all UVs along/within the border of a UV Shell.
Unfold Repositions the selected UVs so that they lay flat in the UV space.
Optimize Evens out the spacing between selected UVs, which can help fix distortions.
Cut Splits the selected UV edge into separate overlapping UV edges.
Sew Merges the selected UV edges.
Stitch Together Sews two selected edges together by moving one shell towards the other in the specified direction..


When a polygon face or UV shell is selected, the marking menu shows the following operations:
Menu Item Effect
Mapping Gives you access to various mapping options in the UV Toolkit's Create section.
Normalize Scales the selected UVs to fit within the 0-1 UV space.
Straighten UVs Repositions all UVs adjacent to the selected faces so they form a straight line in the chosen directions.
Create UV Shell Creates a new UV Shell from the selected components.
Rotate Faces Pivots selected faces around the current pivot point denoted by the UV Toolkit's Transform section.
Cycle Rotates the U and V values of the selected components.
Flip Flips the positions of the selected UVs in the specified direction.
Match Grid Attempts to line up the UVs adjacent to the selected faces to the grid.
Match UVs Moves UVs adjacent to the selected faces, within a certain tolerance distance, to the average of their individual positions.
Symmetrize Mirrors the current selection across a chosen axis of symmetry.

Ctrl + Right-click

Ctrl + right-clicking in the UV Editor opens a marking menu that allows you to make or modify selections:
Menu Item Effect
To Edges / To Vertices / To UVs / To UV Shell / To Faces / To UV Shell Border Converts the current selection to the appropriate selection.
Grow Selection / Shrink Selection Add or remove one level of adjacent components to the current selection.
Select Back Facing / Front Facing Selects all components for components with a counter-clockwise or clockwise winding order respectively. For more information, see Display UV winding order.
Selection Constraints Limits component selections.
Select Back Facing / Front Facing Selects all components for components with a counter-clockwise or clockwise winding order respectively. For more information, see Display UV winding order.

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