The list of semantics supported by the glslShader plug-in can be found at: Semantics and annotations supported by the dx11Shader and glslShader plug-ins in Viewport 2.0 and Shader semantics supported by Viewport 2.0.
Annotations can also be used for uniform, technique, and pass definitions. The list of supported annotations can be found at: Semantics and annotations supported by the dx11Shader and glslShader plug-ins in Viewport 2.0.
Annotations can be used as follows:
uniform myUniform : SEMANTIC < string myStringAnnotation = "myStrValue"; int myIntAnnotation = 1; float myFloatAnnotation = 2.0; // = 2; also works // boolean annotation are not yet supported : use string annotation instead string myBooleanAnnotation = "true"; >; technique myTechnique < string myTechniqueAnnotation = "myValue"; > { pass myPass < string myPassAnnotation = "myValue"; > { // shader stages } }