Example: Creating a Scene

Example: Creating a Scene

Filename: sampleScene.py

Sample Output:

Program Summary: The plug-in code below creates a new command, cmds.mySampleScene(), by inheriting from the OpenMayaMPx.MPxCommand class. Running this command creates a red-shaded mesh whose polygons look like a simple house, creates a spotlight whose aiming direction is constrained to look at the house, and creates a new camera to define a new view point. Lastly, the scene graph (DAG) is traversed and printed to the Script Editor output window. Activate the viewer's "smooth shading", "wireframe on shaded", and "use all lights" buttons to match the sample output above.

Python API 2.0:
# pySampleScene.py

import sys
import maya.api.OpenMaya as OpenMaya
import maya.api.OpenMayaUI as OpenMayaUI

def maya_useNewAPI():
	The presence of this function tells Maya that the plugin produces, and
	expects to be passed, objects created using the Maya Python API 2.0.

kPluginCmdName = "pySampleScene"

# Vertices used to define a planar house shape within a single MFnMesh object:
#              [4]
#             /   \
#            /     \
#          [3]-----[2]        where the bracketed numbers correspond
#           |       |         to the vertex index.
#           |       |
#          [0]-----[1]
vertices = [ # Square plane:
             OpenMaya.MPoint( -2, -2, 0), # index 0: bottom left corner
             OpenMaya.MPoint(  2, -2, 0), # index 1: bottom right corner
             OpenMaya.MPoint(  2,  2, 0), # index 2: top right corner
             OpenMaya.MPoint( -2,  2, 0), # index 3: top left corner
             # Vertex used to define the roof:
             OpenMaya.MPoint(  0,  5, 0)  # index 4: tip of the roof.

# Count the number of times this command has been instantiated.
commandInstanceCounter = 1

# Plug-in 
class SampleSceneCommand(OpenMaya.MPxCommand):
    def __init__(self):
        ''' Constructor. '''
        # We keep track of the number of times the command was instantiated, and we label this particular
        # instance of the command with it. This will help us name the objects manipulated by this particular instance 
        # of the command.
        global commandInstanceCounter
        self.commandExecution = commandInstanceCounter
        commandInstanceCounter = commandInstanceCounter + 1
    def doIt(self, args):
        ''' Set up the objects which the command will use. '''
        # This MDagModifier object will allow us to undo and redo the creation of DAG nodes in our command.
        self.dagModifier = OpenMaya.MDagModifier()
        # We first create the required MObjects using the MDagModifer assigned to self.dagModifier.
        #   (!) The 'transform', 'spotLight' and 'camera' strings are recognized by the MDagModifier as valid node type names. 
        #       For a complete list of node type names, consult the Maya User Guide  > Technical Documentation > Nodes section.
        self.meshTransformObj = self.dagModifier.createNode( 'transform' )
        self.meshShapeObj = self.createHouseMesh() # This function will create a mesh under the self.meshTransformObj node.
        self.lightTransformObj = self.dagModifier.createNode( 'transform' )
        self.lightShapeObj = self.dagModifier.createNode( 'spotLight', self.lightTransformObj )
        self.cameraTransformObj = self.dagModifier.createNode( 'transform' )
        self.cameraShapeObj = self.dagModifier.createNode( 'camera', self.cameraTransformObj )
        # Create the shading node.
        self.shadingNodeName = 'myMaterial' + str( self.commandExecution )
        self.dagModifier.commandToExecute( 'shadingNode -asShader -name ' + self.shadingNodeName + ' phong;' )
        self.dagModifier.commandToExecute( 'setAttr "' + self.shadingNodeName + '.color" -type double3 0.7 0.2 0.15;')
        # Create the shading group.
        self.shadingGroupName = 'myShadingGroup' + str( self.commandExecution )
        self.dagModifier.commandToExecute( 'sets -renderable true -noSurfaceShader true -empty -name ' + self.shadingGroupName + ';')
        self.dagModifier.commandToExecute( 'connectAttr -f ' + self.shadingNodeName + '.outColor ' + self.shadingGroupName + '.surfaceShader;' )
        # Invoke the command's redoIt() function to actually create and manipulate these objects.
    def createHouseMesh(self):
        ''' Create a house mesh. '''
        global vertices # we want to access the list of vertices defined as a static variable  

        # Create the function set for operating on the mesh
        meshFn = OpenMaya.MFnMesh( )

        # Create a mesh and set this function set to operate on it.
        # The mesh consists of 2 polygons: a square plane and a triangle roof. The second parameter gives the number of vertices for each.
        # The third parameter is the sequence of vertices, partitioned according to the second parameter.
        # Therefore, the 4 vertices numbered 0, 1, 2, 3 are used for the square, and the 3 vertices 2, 4, 3 for the triangle.
        # The mesh is parented under the transform node.
        meshShapeObj = meshFn.create(vertices, (4,3), (0,1,2,3,2,4,3), parent=self.meshTransformObj)
        # Set the name of the mesh.
        meshFn.setName( 'myMeshShape' + str( self.commandExecution ) )
        return meshShapeObj
    def redoIt(self):
        Manipulate the objects created in doIt(). This function is also called by Maya when
        the user re-does the operation after undoing it.
        # Perform the operations enqueued within our reference to MDagModifier.
        # Set the translation value of the mesh's transform node, as well as its name.
        transformFn = OpenMaya.MFnTransform( self.meshTransformObj )
        transformFn.setTranslation( OpenMaya.MVector( 0, 2, 0 ), OpenMaya.MSpace.kTransform )
        transformFn.setName( 'myMeshTransform' + str( self.commandExecution ) )
        # Obtain the DAG path of the mesh transform node. This will be used to create
        # an aiming constraint between the light and the mesh.
        meshTransformDagPath = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
        dagmeshNodeFn = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode( self.meshTransformObj )
        meshTransformDagPath = dagmeshNodeFn.getPath()

        # The DAG path of the mesh shape node will be used to apply a material.

        meshShapeDagPath = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
        dagshapeNodeFn = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode( self.meshShapeObj )
        meshShapeDagPath = dagshapeNodeFn.getPath( )    
        # Set the translation value of the light's transform node, as well as its name.
        transformFn = OpenMaya.MFnTransform( self.lightTransformObj )
        transformFn.setTranslation( OpenMaya.MVector( 4, 9.5, 12 ), OpenMaya.MSpace.kTransform )
        transformFn.setName( 'myLightTransform' + str( self.commandExecution ) )
        # Obtain the DAG path of the light transform node. This will be used to create
        # an aiming constraint between the light and the mesh.

        lightTransformDagPath = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
        daglightNodeFn = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode( self.lightTransformObj  )
        lightTransformDagPath = daglightNodeFn.getPath()
        # Change the name of the light shape
        spotLightFn = OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode( self.lightShapeObj )
        spotLightFn.setName( 'myLightShape' + str( self.commandExecution ) )

        # Set the translation value of the camera's transform node, as well as its name. 
        transformFn = OpenMaya.MFnTransform( self.cameraTransformObj )
        transformFn.setTranslation( OpenMaya.MVector( 0, 5, 30 ), OpenMaya.MSpace.kTransform )
        transformFn.setName( 'myCameraTransform' + str( self.commandExecution ) )
        # Change the name of the camera shape.
        cameraFn = OpenMaya.MFnCamera( self.cameraShapeObj )
        cameraFn.setName( 'myCameraShape' + str( self.commandExecution ) )
        # Store the previous camera before we switch to the camera created within this command.
        # In undo() we will revert to this previous camera.
        self.previousCamera = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
        currentView = OpenMayaUI.M3dView.active3dView()
        self.previousCamera=currentView.getCamera()    # self.previousCamera is now populated with the current camera before we switch.

        # Get the DAG path of our camera shape node.
        cameraDagPath = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
        dagNodeFn = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode( self.cameraShapeObj )
        # dagNodeFn.getPath( cameraDagPath )
        cameraDagPath = dagNodeFn.getPath()
        # Set the camera view to the one we switched
        currentView.setCamera( cameraDagPath )
        # Enqueue a MEL command to aim the light to the mesh's transform node. We must use MEL
        # because there is currently no way to enqueue calls to the maya.cmds Python module.
        self.dagModifier.commandToExecute( 'aimConstraint -aimVector 0.0 0.0 -1.0 ' 
                                           + meshTransformDagPath.fullPathName() + ' ' 
                                           + lightTransformDagPath.fullPathName() )
        # Execute the MEL command we just added to the MDagModifier. By adding this command to the MDagModifier,
        # we are able to undo it using MDagModifier.undoIt() in our command's undoIt() method. 
        # Include our mesh shape in the shading group we have defined in this command's doIt() function.
        self.dagModifier.commandToExecute( 'sets -e -forceElement ' + self.shadingGroupName + ' ' + meshShapeDagPath.fullPathName() )
        # Execute the queued MEL command.
        # Print the contents of the scene.
    def undoIt(self):
        ''' Undo the command. '''
        # Switch back to the previous camera
        currentView = OpenMayaUI.M3dView.active3dView()
        currentView.setCamera( self.previousCamera )
        # This call to MDagModifier.undoIt() undoes all the operations within the MDagModifier.
        # Observe that the number of calls to MDagModifier.undoIt() does not need to match the number of calls to MDagModifier.doIt().
    def isUndoable(self):
        ''' This command must be undoable because it affects the structure of the DAG. '''
        return True
    def printScene(self):
        ''' Traverse and print the elements in the scene graph (DAG)  '''
        # Create a function set which we will re-use throughout our scene graph traversal.
        dagNodeFn = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode()
        # Create an iterator to traverse the scene graph starting at the world node
        # (the scene's origin). We use a depth-first traversal, and we do not filter for
        # any scene elements, as indicated by the 'OpenMaya.MFn.kInvalid' parameter.
        dagIterator = OpenMaya.MItDag( OpenMaya.MItDag.kDepthFirst,
                                       OpenMaya.MFn.kInvalid )

        print '====================='
        print ' SCENE GRAPH (DAG):  '
        print '====================='
        # Traverse the scene.
        while( not dagIterator.isDone() ):
            # Obtain the current item.
            currentObj = dagIterator.currentItem()
            depth = dagIterator.depth()
            # Make our dag node function set operate on the current object.
            dagNodeFn.setObject( currentObj )
            # Extract the dag node information to print.
            name = dagNodeFn.name()
            type = currentObj.apiTypeStr
            path = dagNodeFn.fullPathName()
            # generate our output by first incrementing the tabs based on the depth
            # of the current object. This formats our output nicely.
            output = ''
            for i in range( 0, depth ):
                output += '\t'
            output += name + ': ' + type + ' [' + path + ']'
            print output
            # Increment to the next item.
        print '====================='
# Plug-in initialization.
def cmdCreator():
    ''' Creates an instance of the scripted command. '''
    return SampleSceneCommand()
def initializePlugin(mobject):
    ''' Initializes the plug-in.'''
    mplugin = OpenMaya.MFnPlugin( mobject )
        mplugin.registerCommand( kPluginCmdName, cmdCreator )
        sys.stderr.write( "Failed to register command: %s\n" % kPluginCmdName )

def uninitializePlugin(mobject):
    ''' Uninitializes the plug-in '''
    mplugin = OpenMaya.MFnPlugin( mobject )
        mplugin.deregisterCommand( kPluginCmdName )
        sys.stderr.write( "Failed to unregister command: %s\n" % kPluginCmdName )

# Sample usage.
# Copy the following lines and run them in Maya's Python Script Editor:

import maya.cmds as cmds

Python API 1.0:
# sampleScene.py

import sys
import maya.OpenMaya as OpenMaya
import maya.OpenMayaUI as OpenMayaUI
import maya.OpenMayaMPx as OpenMayaMPx

kPluginCmdName = "mySampleScene"

# Vertices used to define a planar house shape within a single MFnMesh object:
#              [4]
#             /   \
#            /     \
#          [3]-----[2]        where the bracketed numbers correspond
#           |       |         to the vertex index.
#           |       |
#          [0]-----[1]
vertices = [ # Square plane:
             OpenMaya.MPoint( -2, -2, 0), # index 0: bottom left corner
             OpenMaya.MPoint(  2, -2, 0), # index 1: bottom right corner
             OpenMaya.MPoint(  2,  2, 0), # index 2: top right corner
             OpenMaya.MPoint( -2,  2, 0), # index 3: top left corner
             # Vertex used to define the roof:
             OpenMaya.MPoint(  0,  5, 0)  # index 4: tip of the roof.

# Count the number of times this command has been instantiated.
commandInstanceCounter = 1

# Plug-in 
class SampleSceneCommand(OpenMayaMPx.MPxCommand):
    def __init__(self):
        ''' Constructor. '''
        # We keep track of the number of times the command was instantiated, and we label this particular
        # instance of the command with it. This will help us name the objects manipulated by this particular instance 
        # of the command.
        global commandInstanceCounter
        self.commandExecution = commandInstanceCounter
        commandInstanceCounter = commandInstanceCounter + 1
    def doIt(self, args):
        ''' Set up the objects which the command will use. '''
        # This MDagModifier object will allow us to undo and redo the creation of DAG nodes in our command.
        self.dagModifier = OpenMaya.MDagModifier()
        # We first create the required MObjects using the MDagModifer assigned to self.dagModifier.
        #   (!) The 'transform', 'spotLight' and 'camera' strings are recognized by the MDagModifier as valid node type names. 
        #       For a complete list of node type names, consult the Maya User Guide  > Technical Documentation > Nodes section.
        self.meshTransformObj = self.dagModifier.createNode( 'transform' )
        self.meshShapeObj = self.createHouseMesh() # This function will create a mesh under the self.meshTransformObj node.
        self.lightTransformObj = self.dagModifier.createNode( 'transform' )
        self.lightShapeObj = self.dagModifier.createNode( 'spotLight', self.lightTransformObj )
        self.cameraTransformObj = self.dagModifier.createNode( 'transform' )
        self.cameraShapeObj = self.dagModifier.createNode( 'camera', self.cameraTransformObj )
        # Create the shading node.
        self.shadingNodeName = 'myMaterial' + str( self.commandExecution )
        self.dagModifier.commandToExecute( 'shadingNode -asShader -name ' + self.shadingNodeName + ' phong;' )
        self.dagModifier.commandToExecute( 'setAttr "' + self.shadingNodeName + '.color" -type double3 0.7 0.2 0.15;')
        # Create the shading group.
        self.shadingGroupName = 'myShadingGroup' + str( self.commandExecution )
        self.dagModifier.commandToExecute( 'sets -renderable true -noSurfaceShader true -empty -name ' + self.shadingGroupName + ';')
        self.dagModifier.commandToExecute( 'connectAttr -f ' + self.shadingNodeName + '.outColor ' + self.shadingGroupName + '.surfaceShader;' )
        # Invoke the command's redoIt() function to actually create and manipulate these objects.
    def createHouseMesh(self):
        ''' Create a house mesh. '''
        global vertices # we want to access the list of vertices defined as a static variable  
        meshFn = OpenMaya.MFnMesh()
        mergeVertices = True   # a parameter indicating whether or not nearby vertices will be merged.
        pointTolerance = 0.001 # the distance which determines if any two nearby vertices will be merged.
        # Create the base of the house.
        squareVertexArray = OpenMaya.MPointArray()
        squareVertexArray.setLength( 4 )
        squareVertexArray.set( vertices[0], 0 )
        squareVertexArray.set( vertices[1], 1 )
        squareVertexArray.set( vertices[2], 2 )
        squareVertexArray.set( vertices[3], 3 )
        # Add the square polygon to the mesh whose parent is self.meshTransformObj.
        meshFn.addPolygon( squareVertexArray, mergeVertices, pointTolerance, self.meshTransformObj)
        # Create the roof of the house.
        triangleVertexArray = OpenMaya.MPointArray()
        triangleVertexArray.setLength( 3 )
        triangleVertexArray.set( vertices[3], 0 )
        triangleVertexArray.set( vertices[2], 1 )
        triangleVertexArray.set( vertices[4], 2 ) 
        # Add a triangular polygon to the mesh whose parent is self.meshTransformObj. The returned meshShapeObj is
        # a reference to the mesh geometry object.
        meshShapeObj = meshFn.addPolygon( triangleVertexArray, mergeVertices, pointTolerance, self.meshTransformObj)
        # Set the name of the mesh.
        meshFn.setName( 'myMeshShape' + str( self.commandExecution ) )
        return meshShapeObj
    def redoIt(self):
        Manipulate the objects created in doIt(). This function is also called by Maya when
        the user re-does the operation after undoing it.
        # Perform the operations enqueued within our reference to MDagModifier.
        # Set the translation value of the mesh's transform node, as well as its name.
        transformFn = OpenMaya.MFnTransform( self.meshTransformObj )
        transformFn.setTranslation( OpenMaya.MVector( 0, 2, 0 ), OpenMaya.MSpace.kTransform )
        transformFn.setName( 'myMeshTransform' + str( self.commandExecution ) )
        # Obtain the DAG path of the mesh transform node. This will be used to create
        # an aiming constraint between the light and the mesh.
        meshTransformDagPath = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
        transformFn.getPath( meshTransformDagPath )
        # The DAG path of the mesh shape node will be used to apply a material.
        meshShapeDagPath = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
        meshFn = OpenMaya.MFnMesh( self.meshShapeObj )
        meshFn.getPath( meshShapeDagPath )
        # Set the translation value of the light's transform node, as well as its name.
        transformFn = OpenMaya.MFnTransform( self.lightTransformObj )
        transformFn.setTranslation( OpenMaya.MVector( 4, 9.5, 12 ), OpenMaya.MSpace.kTransform )
        transformFn.setName( 'myLightTransform' + str( self.commandExecution ) )
        # Obtain the DAG path of the light transform node. This will be used to create
        # an aiming constraint between the light and the mesh.
        lightTransformDagPath = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
        transformFn.getPath( lightTransformDagPath )
        # Change the name of the light shape
        spotLightFn = OpenMaya.MFnSpotLight( self.lightShapeObj )
        spotLightFn.setName( 'myLightShape' + str( self.commandExecution ) )

        # Set the translation value of the camera's transform node, as well as its name. 
        transformFn = OpenMaya.MFnTransform( self.cameraTransformObj )
        transformFn.setTranslation( OpenMaya.MVector( 0, 5, 30 ), OpenMaya.MSpace.kTransform )
        transformFn.setName( 'myCameraTransform' + str( self.commandExecution ) )
        # Change the name of the camera shape.
        cameraFn = OpenMaya.MFnCamera( self.cameraShapeObj )
        cameraFn.setName( 'myCameraShape' + str( self.commandExecution ) )
        # Store the previous camera before we switch to the camera created within this command.
        # In undo() we will revert to this previous camera.
        self.previousCamera = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
        currentView = OpenMayaUI.M3dView.active3dView()
        currentView.getCamera( self.previousCamera ) # self.previousCamera is now populated with the current camera before we switch.
        # Get the DAG path of our camera shape node.
        cameraDagPath = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
        dagNodeFn = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode( self.cameraShapeObj )
        dagNodeFn.getPath( cameraDagPath )
        # Set the camera view to the one we switched
        currentView.setCamera( cameraDagPath )
        # Enqueue a MEL command to aim the light to the mesh's transform node. We must use MEL
        # because there is currently no way to enqueue calls to the maya.cmds Python module.
        self.dagModifier.commandToExecute( 'aimConstraint -aimVector 0.0 0.0 -1.0 ' 
                                           + meshTransformDagPath.fullPathName() + ' ' 
                                           + lightTransformDagPath.fullPathName() )
        # Execute the MEL command we just added to the MDagModifier. By adding this command to the MDagModifier,
        # we are able to undo it using MDagModifier.undoIt() in our command's undoIt() method. 
        # Include our mesh shape in the shading group we have defined in this command's doIt() function.
        self.dagModifier.commandToExecute( 'sets -e -forceElement ' + self.shadingGroupName + ' ' + meshShapeDagPath.fullPathName() )
        # Execute the queued MEL command.
        # Print the contents of the scene.
    def undoIt(self):
        ''' Undo the command. '''
        # Switch back to the previous camera
        currentView = OpenMayaUI.M3dView.active3dView()
        currentView.setCamera( self.previousCamera )
        # This call to MDagModifier.undoIt() undoes all the operations within the MDagModifier.
        # Observe that the number of calls to MDagModifier.undoIt() does not need to match the number of calls to MDagModifier.doIt().
    def isUndoable(self):
        ''' This command must be undoable because it affects the structure of the DAG. '''
        return True
    def printScene(self):
        ''' Traverse and print the elements in the scene graph (DAG)  '''
        # Create a function set which we will re-use throughout our scene graph traversal.
        dagNodeFn = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode()
        # Create an iterator to traverse the scene graph starting at the world node
        # (the scene's origin). We use a depth-first traversal, and we do not filter for
        # any scene elements, as indicated by the 'OpenMaya.MFn.kInvalid' parameter.
        dagIterator = OpenMaya.MItDag( OpenMaya.MItDag.kDepthFirst,
                                       OpenMaya.MFn.kInvalid )

        print '====================='
        print ' SCENE GRAPH (DAG):  '
        print '====================='
        # Traverse the scene.
        while( not dagIterator.isDone() ):
            # Obtain the current item.
            currentObj = dagIterator.currentItem()
            depth = dagIterator.depth()
            # Make our dag node function set operate on the current object.
            dagNodeFn.setObject( currentObj )
            # Extract the dag node information to print.
            name = dagNodeFn.name()
            type = currentObj.apiTypeStr()
            path = dagNodeFn.fullPathName()
            # generate our output by first incrementing the tabs based on the depth
            # of the current object. This formats our output nicely.
            output = ''
            for i in range( 0, depth ):
                output += '\t'
            output += name + ': ' + type + ' [' + path + ']'
            print output
            # Increment to the next item.
        print '====================='
# Plug-in initialization.
def cmdCreator():
    ''' Creates an instance of the scripted command. '''
    return OpenMayaMPx.asMPxPtr( SampleSceneCommand() )
def initializePlugin(mobject):
    ''' Initializes the plug-in.'''
    mplugin = OpenMayaMPx.MFnPlugin( mobject )
        mplugin.registerCommand( kPluginCmdName, cmdCreator )
        sys.stderr.write( "Failed to register command: %s\n" % kPluginCmdName )

def uninitializePlugin(mobject):
    ''' Uninitializes the plug-in '''
    mplugin = OpenMayaMPx.MFnPlugin( mobject )
        mplugin.deregisterCommand( kPluginCmdName )
        sys.stderr.write( "Failed to unregister command: %s\n" % kPluginCmdName )

# Sample usage.
# Copy the following lines and run them in Maya's Python Script Editor:

import maya.cmds as cmds
