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polySplit([adjustEdgeFlow=float], [constructionHistory=boolean], [detachEdges=boolean], [edgepoint=[int, float]], [facepoint=[int, float, float, float]], [insertWithEdgeFlow=boolean], [insertpoint=[int, float, [, float, float, ]]], [name=string], [projectedCurve=name], [projectedCurveTolerance=float], [smoothingangle=angle], [subdivision=int])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

polySplit is undoable, queryable, and editable.

Split facets/edges of a polygonal object.

The first and last arguments must be edges. Intermediate points may lie on either a shared face or an edge which neighbors the previous point.

Return value

stringThe node name.

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


polyAppend, polyAppendVertex, polyBevel, polyChipOff, polyCreateFacet, polyExtrudeEdge, polyExtrudeFacet, polySmooth, polySplitVertex, polySubdivideEdge, polySubdivideFacet, polyTriangulate


adjustEdgeFlow, constructionHistory, detachEdges, edgepoint, facepoint, insertWithEdgeFlow, insertpoint, name, projectedCurve, projectedCurveTolerance, smoothingangle, subdivision
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
Flags from nodes
adjustEdgeFlow(aef) float createqueryedit
The weight value of the edge vertices to be positioned.
detachEdges(de) boolean create
Value of the detachEdges attribute for the resulting poly split node.
edgepoint(ep) [int, float] createmultiuse
The given edge is split into two new edges by inserting a new vertex located the given percentage along the edge.
Note: This flag is not recommended for use from Python. See the insertpoint flag instead.
facepoint(fp) [int, float, float, float] createmultiuse
A new vertex is inserted, lying at the given coordinates inside the given face. Coordinates are given in the local object space.
Note: This flag is not recommended for use from Python. See the insertpoint flag instead.
insertWithEdgeFlow(ief) boolean createqueryedit
True to enable edge flow. Otherwise, the edge flow is disabled.
insertpoint(ip) [int, float, [, float, float, ]] createmultiuse
This flag allows the caller to insert a new vertex into an edge or a face.
To insert a new vertex in an edge, pass the index of the edge and a percentage along the edge at which to insert the new vertex. When used to insert a vertex into an edge, this flag takes two arguments.
To insert a new vertex into a face, pass the index of the face and three values which define the coordinates for the insertion in local object space. When used to insert a vertex into a face, this flag takes four arguments.
This flag replaces the edgepoint and facepoint flags.
projectedCurve(pc) name createmultiuse
Curves to be projected.
projectedCurveTolerance(pct) float create
Tolerance for curve projection.
smoothingangle(sma) angle create
Subdivide new edges will be soft if less then this angle.
C: Default is 0.0
subdivision(s) int createqueryedit
Subdivide new edges into the given number of sections. Edges involving free points won't be subdivided.
C: Default is 1 (no subdivision).
Q: When queried, this flag returns an int.
Common poly creation operation flags
constructionHistory(ch) boolean createquery
Turn the construction history on or off (where applicable). If construction history is on then the corresponding node will be inserted into the history chain for the mesh. If construction history is off then the operation will be performed directly on the object.
Note: If the object already has construction history then this flag is ignored and the node will always be inserted into the history chain.
name(n) string create
Sets the name of the newly-created node. If it contains namespace path, the new node will be created under the specified namespace; if the namespace does not exist, it will be created.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

# Note that in Python, you must use the ip/insertpoint flag which determines
# whether you are splitting an edge or a face based on the number of
# arguments to the flag (2 for an edge, and 4 for a face)
cmds.polyCreateFacet( p=[(0, 2, 0), (0, -2, 0), (4, -2, 0), (4, 2, 0)] )
cmds.polySplit( ip=[(2, 0.1), (3, 0.5), (0, 2, -1, 0.0), (0, 0.9)] )