import maya.cmds as cmds import MASH.api as mapi import maya.mel as mel import flux.core as fx import MASH.deleteMashNode as dmn def runPreset(): # Create controls for the drop window # This is a list of lists (an list of steps in the preset if you will, even if you want only 1 step, it still has to be a double list) # IMPORTANT - Remember to delete your controls below (already implimented, you can copy and paste the cleanup to any script) controls = [ [cmds.intSliderGrp('iterationsSliderGrp', label='Iterations', field=True, min=0, max=20, value=10)] ] # create the Drop Window fx.DropWindow.getDrop(label='Drag in a MASH Waiter:', callback=lambda data: smartPreset.send(data), title='MASH - Fix Intersections', accepts=['MASH_Waiter'], ui=controls) node = yield # split the dragged nodes into a list and only use the first object nodes = node.split('\n')[0] # create a new MASH network mashNetwork = mapi.Network(node) # add dynamice dynamicsNode = mashNetwork.addNode("MASH_Dynamics") cmds.setAttr( + '.damping', 1) cmds.setAttr( + '.rollingDamping', 1) cmds.setAttr( + '.positionStrength', 100) cmds.setAttr( + '.rotationalStrength', 100) cmds.setAttr( + '.mass', 10) iterations = cmds.intSliderGrp('iterationsSliderGrp', q=True, v=True) print iterations for x in xrange(1, iterations): cmds.currentTime(x) mashNetwork.setInitialState(dynamicsNode) # UI CLEANUP # # This is really important, if you want to run your script more then once in a Maya session, you must delete the UI! [cmds.deleteUI(y, control=True ) for x in controls for y in x] dmn.deleteMashNode( yield # run the preset smartPreset = runPreset()