You can nest (insert) families within other families to create new families that contain the combined family geometry.
For example, rather than model a light fixture with a light bulb family from scratch, you can create the combination-light family by loading a light bulb into a light fixture family. Whether you share families before you nest them determines the behavior of the nested geometry in elements that you create with the family.
If you nest a family that is not shared, components created by the nested family act with the rest of the element as a single unit. You cannot select (edit), tag, or schedule the components separately.
If you nest a shared family, you can select, tag, and schedule the components separately.
Video: Using Nested and Shared Families
Window Family Example
For example, rather than model a combination window family from scratch, you can create the combination-window family below by loading the Double Hung and Instance - Fixed families into a new window family. Place the fixed window instance in the center with a double hung window on each side.
In the sample window family shown above, an instance of the nested and unshared family would have only one window tag and would schedule as a single unit, as shown below.
In an instance of the shared window family, the 3 windows would tag and schedule separately, even though the nested family would behave has a single component within the building model.
Nesting Restrictions
There are certain restrictions regarding the type of families that you can load and nest in other families:
Only annotation families can be loaded into other annotations.
Only detail families and generic annotations can be loaded into details.
Model families, details, generic annotations, section heads, level heads, and grid heads can be loaded into model families.
Nesting Families with Interchangeable Components
By applying a family type parameter to a nested component, you can create families with interchangeable subcomponents. After you load and create an element with the nested family, you can swap components at any time.