You can rotate text or a label in a view title, change text in the view title, and make other modifications to view titles.
Video: Customize View Titles
Open the view title type for editing, using one of the following methods:
Open a project that contains sheets that use the view title type (or a project into which you have loaded the view title type). In the Project Browser, expand FamiliesAnnotation Symbols. Right-click the name of the view title type to modify, and click Edit.
Click File tab Open (Family). Navigate to the location of the view title type (RFA) file. Select the file, and click Open.
The Family Editor opens, displaying the view title type in the drawing area.
Modify the view title type as desired.
To rotate text or a label in a view title, select the text or label, and drag the rotation controls.
To change text in the view title, double-click the text, and edit it.
To change the type of text used to display a label, select the label in the drawing area. On the Properties palette, select another label type from the Type Selector. Or, to edit text parameters for the current label type (such as font and text size), click Edit Type.
To change a parameter used in the label, select the label, and on the Modify | Label tab, click
(Edit Label).
In the Edit Label dialog, use the
(Add Parameter) and
(Remove Parameter) buttons to move parameters between the Category Parameters and Label Parameters windows. (Any parameter from the Views category can be used in the label.)
You can also click
(Add Parameter) to add a shared parameter to use for the label. Note that if you use a shared parameter, you must also add it as a project parameter to any project using this view title type, and associate it with the Views category.
To save the view title type, on the Quick Access toolbar, click