Create Site Utilities for Export

You can place site utilities of interest to civil engineers on the building site to be exported.

Examples of site utilities include gas, water, telephone, cable, and steam connections.

The site utilities are loadable families that have connectors or have the capability of hosting connectors. These connectors become functional when linked in the civil engineering application. For a connector to be exported, the Utility parameter must be selected in its instance properties. See Connectors for more information about the types of connectors that are available.

You can load a site utility family into your project or open one in the Family Editor to add or remove connectors or make other modifications. You can also create your own site utility with connectors by using the Site.rtf template in the Imperial Template or Metric Template folder.

To place a site utility component

  1. Load the site utility into the project. See Load Families.
  2. On the ribbon, click (Place a Component).

      Where is it?

    • Architecture tabBuild panelComponent drop-down (Place a Component)
    • Structure tabModel panelComponent drop-down (Place a Component)
    • Systems tabModel panelComponent drop-down (Place a Component)
  3. Click to place the component in the drawing area.

To modify a site utility in the Family Editor

  1. Open the site utility family in the Family Editor.
  2. Modify the site utility family.

To create a utility connection

  1. In the Family Editor, select the connector.
  2. On the Properties palette, under Identity Data, select Utility.
  3. Enter a description for the connector, if desired. This description is exported to the civil engineering application as the name of the connector.

To create a site utility that hosts connectors, see Workflow: Loadable Families.