Move Elements with the Move Tool

The Move tool works similarly to dragging. However, it offers additional functionality on the Options Bar and allows more precise placement.

To move elements with the Move tool

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Select the elements to move, and then click Modify | <Element> tabModify panel (Move).
    • Click Modify tabModify panel (Move), select the elements to move, and then press Enter.
  2. On the Options Bar, click the desired options:
    • Constrain: Click Constrain to restrict the movement of the element along vectors that run perpendicular or collinear to the element.
    • Disjoin: Click Disjoin to break the association between the selection and other elements before moving. This option is useful, for example, when you want to move a wall that is joined to another wall. You can also use the Disjoin option to move a hosted element from its current host to a new host. For example, you can move a window from one wall to another wall. This feature works best when you clear the Constrain option.
  3. Click once to enter a start point for moving.

    A preview image of the element displays.

  4. Move the cursor in the direction that you want the element to move.

    The cursor snaps to snap points. Dimensions appear as guides.

  5. Click again to complete the move, or, for more precision, type a value for the distance to move the element, and press Enter.

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