Adding or removing elements in a group affects all instances of the group.
- In the drawing area, select the group to modify. If the group to modify is nested, press Tab until the group is highlighted, and click to select it.
- Click Modify | Model Groups tab or Modify | Attached Detail Groups tabGroup panel (Edit Group).
Note: Depending on the double-click action specified for Groups in Options, double-clicking the group may also enter edit mode. See
User Interface Options.
- On the Edit Group panel, click (Add) to add elements to the group, or click (Remove) to remove elements from the group.
- Select the elements to add or remove from the group.
Note: If you add a view-specific element to a model group (for example, a window tag), the view-specific element is placed in the project view and not in the model group.
- When you are finished, click (Finish).