Location Weather and Site Dialog: Site Tab

Use the Site tab of the Location Weather and Site dialog to create named positions (sites) to manage the orientation and position of the model on the site and in relation to other buildings.

Field or tool Description
Sites defined in this project Lists all named positions defined in the project.

By default, the project has a site named Internal. Internal points to the internal origin of the project.

Angle from Project North to True North When the Project Base Point is rotated from True North of the current named position, this field indicates the degrees and direction of rotation.
Duplicate Copies the selected named position, and assigns the name you specify.
Rename Renames the selected named position.
Delete Deletes the selected named position.

You cannot delete the Internal named position.

Make Current Current indicates the named position that has the current focus and that is used as the project's shared coordinates.

The current named position is used when you link models using the Auto - By Shared Coordinates positioning option. Revit aligns the shared coordinates of the link's current named position with the shared coordinates of the host model's current named position.