The shared parameter file stores the definitions of the shared parameters.
- Click Manage tabSettings panel (Shared Parameters).
The Edit Shared Parameters dialog opens.
- Click Create. Or Browse to an existing shard parameter file.
- In the Create Shared Parameter File dialog, enter a file name, and navigate to the desired location.
- Click Save.
- Add groups:
- In the Groups box, click New.
- Enter a name for the parameter group, and click OK.
- Add parameters:
- From the Parameter group drop-down menu, select a group.
- In the Parameters group box, click New.
- In the Parameter Properties dialog, enter a name, discipline, and type for the parameter.
Type specifies the format of the information you can enter for the parameter value. You can select:
- Text
- Integer
- Number
- Length
- Area
- Volume
- Angle
- Slope
- Currency
- Material. Allows you to select a material from the Materials dialog when you edit the parameter value in the Properties palette or Type Properties dialog.
- Yes/No. A check box appears for the parameter value in the Properties palette or Type Properties dialog.
- <Family Type>. If you select this option, the Select Category dialog opens where you can select the family type.
Note: You do not specify the parameter to be instance or type. You decide that later when you add the parameter to a family or a project.
- (Optional) Under Tooltip Description, click Edit Tooltip. In the Edit Tooltip dialog, enter the tooltip text, up to 250 characters, and click OK.
- When finished creating parameters, click OK.