Use beams tools to add load-bearing structural elements to building models.
Structure tabStructure panel (Beam)
Topics in this section
About the Structural Usage of Beams
The Structural Usage property of a beam is typically automatically assigned based on the structural elements that support the beam. However, structural usage can be changed before or after the beam is placed.
About Placing Beams
It is good practice to first add grids and columns before creating beams.
Sketch a Beam
Use the Beam tool to sketch individual instances of beams.
Place Beams with the Grid Tool
Use the Grid tool to select grid lines to place beams automatically between other structural elements such as columns, structural walls, and other beams.
Beam Modification
You can align, move, copy, and adjust beams using common element editing tools.
About Beam Handles
Beam handles are also the attachment points of the beam. Beam handles display as small filled circles that indicate where the end of the selected beam is attached to a column or wall.
Display Moment Symbols
Specify a beam to display moment frames or cantilever connection symbols.
Upgrade Steel Beam and Brace Families
Projects created prior to Autodesk Revit 2014 will need a manual upgrade of steel beam families to fully remove legacy parameters and their behaviors.
Beam Instance Properties
Modify beam instance properties to change level offsets, geometry justification, phasing data, and more.
Beam Analysis Properties
Modify the analytical properties of the beam to accommodate structural analysis tools and procedures.
Beam Type Properties
Modify beam type properties to change flange width, web thickness, identity data, and more.
Beam Family Properties
Modify an beam family to define specific behaviors or Identity Data that apply across all types in that family.