Height/Depth of Walls

When you create a wall, several properties work together to control the behavior of the wall.

When creating an architectural wall or a structural wall, you can specify the following properties on the Options Bar:

Use these properties together with Base Constraint to control whether the wall is drawn from a specified level upwards or downwards, the height of the wall, and whether its height will change when its base constraint or top constraint moves.

When you create a wall in a plan view, the Base Constraint is the level associated with the view. When you create a wall in a 3D view, use Level on the Options Bar to specify the level to use for the wall's Base Constraint value.

Note: When you use Depth on the Options Bar, use a structural plan to see the walls extending downward from the current level, or modify the view range of a floor plan to make them visible.

The following image shows a section view of 4 walls created using different height/depth settings with a Base Constraint of L-1 (Level 1). The table below shows the properties of each wall.

Property Wall 1 Wall 2 Wall 3 Wall 4
Structural? Yes Yes No (partition wall) No (partition wall)
Depth/Height Depth Depth Height Height
Base Constraint/Level L-1 L-1 L-1 L-1
Base Offset -6000 -3000 0 0
Top Constraint Up to level: L-1 Up to level: L-1 Unconnected Up to level: L-2
Unconnected Height     6000