Use the P&ID Modeler palette and the tools in Revit to model based on a P&ID (piping and instrumentation diagram).
In Revit, create a new model or open the model that corresponds to the P&ID you want to model.
Access a P&ID
The top pane of the P&ID Modeler palette displays a preview of the drawing. The bottom pane lists the pipe line segments. A green circle indicates which line segments are complete. A blue circle indicates which line segments are partially modeled.
Use the preview pane to locate the line segment you want to model.
In the search box, enter a line number or piping component name to locate a particular line segment. Depending on your current view, you can search across projects or drawings.
The top pane displays a preview of the line segment. The bottom pane lists the piping lines, components, and equipment from and to used in the line segment. As you move your mouse cursor over each item in the bottom pane, it is highlighted in the preview pane. A green bar indicates which parts have been modeled in Revit. A green/yellow striped bar indicates that there is a mismatch between the P&ID part and the Revit part. A water droplet to the right of a pipe segment indicates that the pipe is not connected.
Map content between the P&ID and Revit
If you are creating a new model of a P&ID drawing in Revit, you must set up the mapping of components between the P&ID drawing and the Revit model.
If you working with an existing model, you can map a component in the P&ID to an existing Revit family.
Notice that as you select components in the P&ID Modeler palette that you have modeled, they are selected in the Revit drawing area. Revit will suggest placing components that have not yet been modeled.
Model piping and components in Revit
Video: Modeling Pipe Lines