The W3C Extended log file format is the default log file format for IIS. It is a customizable ASCII text-based format. You can use IIS Manager to select which fields to include in the log file.
[W3C Extended Log File Format]
Change logging properties
- On the Windows Start menu, click Control Panel
Administrative Tools
Internet Information Services
- In IIS Manager, expand the local computer, expand the Web Sites folder, right-click the Default Web site, and click Properties.
- On the Web Site tab, select the Enable Logging (if it is not already selected).
- In the Active log format drop-down list,select W3C Extended Log File Format, and click the Properties button.
Note: Before changing the extended properties, write down or take snapshots of currently selected W3C properties in case of wanting to go back to the original state in the future
- On the Advanced tab, select logging ALL.
- Click OK, and close IIS Manager.
- From the Windows Start menu, select Run. Type: iisreset and then click OK to restart IIS.
- IIS logs are located in the following directories:
- C:\WINDOWS\system32\LogFiles\W3SVC1 - for the Default Web site communication.
- C:\WINDOWS\system32\LogFiles\HTTPERR - for IIS errors logs.