Configure Standards Dialog Box

Associates the current drawing with one or more standards (DWS) files and lists plug-ins used to check standards.

STANDARDS (Command) Find

List of Options

The following options are displayed.

Check Standards

Opens the Check Standards dialog box.


Displays the CAD Standards Settings dialog box, which specifies additional settings for the Configure Standards and Check Standards dialog boxes.

The Configure Standards dialog box contains the following tabs:

Standards Tab

Displays information about the standards files that are associated with the current drawing.

Standards Files Associated with the Current Drawing

Lists all standards (DWS) files that are associated with the current drawing.

If conflicts arise between multiple standards in this list (for example, if two standards specify layers of the same name but with different properties), the standards file that is shown first in the list takes precedence.

You can use the shortcut menu to add, remove, or reorder files.

Add Standards File

Associates a standards (DWS) file with the current drawing.

Remove Standards File

Removes a standards file from the list. (Removing a standards file does not delete it but simply dissociates it from the current drawing.)

Move Up

Moves a standards file up one position in the list.

Move Down

Moves a standards file down one position in the list.


Provides summary information about the standards file currently selected in the list.

You can add comments and a title to the description by opening the DWS file and using the DWGPROPS command. In the Drawing Properties dialog box, click the Summary tab.

Plug-ins Tab

A standards plug-in is installed for each of the named objects for which standards can be defined (layers, dimension styles, linetypes, and text styles).

Plug-ins Used When Checking Standards

Lists the standards plug-ins on the current system.


Provides summary information about the standards plug-in currently selected in the list.